Friday, October 14, 2016

Scientists have uncovered the mystery of the origin of life is True.Ru

the Researchers from the European Space Agency (ESA) learned how the atoms of carbon, United with hydrogen, oxygen and other elements, due to which there is life, appeared in the space.

the report, published in the journal Astrobiology, scientists report that a major factor in the origin of life on Earth is ultraviolet radiation. Previously it was believed that a key role is played by the turbulence.

According to this theory, hydrocarbons are formed in areas of great turbulence caused by supernova explosion or emission of substances by the young stars.

However, the study of molecular clouds in Orion, the scientists found that the molecule ion of hydrocarbons CH+, absorbs light and emits it. The researchers then compared the quantity, temperature and movement of the hydrocarbon molecules CH and CH+, as well as their progenitor — ion of carbon (C+). In the experiment, the analysis showed that the molecules CH+, was established by ultraviolet radiation of very young stars inside the Orion nebula.

According to scientists, when a molecule absorbs a photon of light, it gets excited and the energy required for entering into reaction with other particles. Ultraviolet light from the big stars heats the surrounding hydrogen molecules, which creates conditions for the formation of hydrocarbons.

it is Now possible to assert with confidence that the Sun is the driving source of almost all life on Earth.

“We learned that star light is a catalyst for the formation of chemical substances prior to the necessary materials for the origin of life,” — said the study’s lead author Patrick Morris of the California Institute of technology in USA.

Previously, scientists-genetics from the University of düsseldorf came to the conclusion that life on Earth arose not in the oceans, and in the hot geysers or volcanic lakes. According to researchers, the common ancestor of all today’s organisms, the so-called “Luka”, lived in a warm, oxygen-free and rich in minerals water, land surface, lakes and vents of geysers and volcanoes.

In favor of this version, according to the head of research William Martin, said the fact that the land was attended by a number of critical elements, including molybdenum, boron and nitrogen, which were very few in the “soup” of the primary ocean.

researchers analyzed more than six million genes, and 286 thousand gene families. In the genome of “Luke” was discovered protein that is necessary for life in a hot environment, lived within geothermal or volcanic lakes, completely devoid of oxygen. The micro-organism obtained energy by extracting it from the difference in concentrations of various ions, and also fed with hydrogen and carbon dioxide.

Found a double of planet Earth


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