Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Trying to establish a connection with the Schiaparelli in Earth there are 10 days Вести.Ru

to Establish a connection with the module Schiaparelli has not yet succeeded. But there is a chance — still a week and a half. So believe in the “Roskosmos”. Spacecraft expedition “ExoMars” went on the Red planet, but during the landing, or rather, primirenie, the signal was lost. What could go wrong?

Landing took place in automatic mode, that is, almost blindly. The distance to Mars is about 500 million kilometers, the signal from the module came with a delay of 10 minutes. And therefore quickly affect the course of events from the Land is impossible. Therefore, it is important to calculate still at an early stage.

the end of 226 days waiting for the entire international scientific community. The operation was complicated by the fact that until today no one was trying to land on the Red planet in the season of dust storms.

the Orbital and descent modules were divided October 16 after demonstration of what the device Schiaparelli went to the plateau of Meridian. According to the plan, some hours before reaching the Martian atmosphere, the module “woke up”. During landing the speed it reached 21 thousand kilometers. The temperature rose to a thousand degrees. To avoid fire, on the heat shield Schiaparelli set 90 of insulating tiles. When the surface was 11 kilometers, on the apparatus unfolded parachute. Plug the micro-motors are allowed to slow down to seven kilometers per hour. However, before the landing touch with Schiaparelli was lost.

All night the experts will try to decrypt the data received from the module. Their task is to find out how soft the landing was.

But disastrous mission to be called can not be sure. The orbital module TGO entered the orbit of the red planet now for several years will be to “report” on the Ground that he was able to detect on the surface and in the atmosphere of Mars. Most researchers of course are interested in the presence of water and methane. Using TGO the researchers plan to create a detailed map of distribution of liquid on the planet.

in Parallel with the current expedition of the European space Agency and Russia’s Roscosmos have already started to prepare for the next flight to the Red planet, scheduled for 2020.

This complex, unlike its predecessor, will operate on Mars for at least a year. Consequently, scientists will receive information about long-term changes to our neighbor in the Solar system. And there are already “not far off” and a manned mission to Mars. Another step, approaching the first step of a human on the Red planet, the environment was passed.


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