Thursday, October 13, 2016

US scientist have determined what amazing sounds published dinosaurs – Moskovsky Komsomolets

Roaring and howling they could not

Today at 19:57, views: 2713

If about the appearance of dinosaur experts-paleontologists have already made a very specific representation, the question about their “vocal talents” still remained open. However recent research of scientists published in the newly released issue of the journal Nature, allow you to do this through very specific conclusions.

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Most of us have learned the knowledge about dinosaurs and other fauna of the ancient times from the cult film “Jurassic Park”. Remember, of course, and the voices of these ancient inhabitants of the planet: the chilling roar of a terrible in every way. But now there is a reason to say that the authors of the popular blockbuster were wrong, and above the ancient Ground could be heard quite cute cooing and kurlykina and not deafening the roar of uterine.

To such conclusion came from American scientist Franz Goller, who along with colleagues conducted a thorough study of the remains of a contemporary of dinosaurs and direct relative of modern birds.

the Ancestor of the current birds scientists called Vegavis iaai. These small-sized waterfowl lived on the planet in the late Cretaceous period, 65-70 million years ago, they were contemporaries of the dinosaurs. During excavations South of the Antarctic circle, on the island of VEGA off the coast of Antarctica, a few years ago has been found well-preserved remains of a “bird”. However, only now on the initiative of Franz Goller was conducted the most thorough research. And the most sensational results gave the study of surviving imprints of soft tissues Vegavis, among which were able to detect clear signs of a Syrinx – the vocal organ of a prehistoric bird.

In their work the researchers used a new MRI scanner and with his help was able to thoroughly recreate the structure of the Syrinx. The conclusion was clear: the voice on the feathered creatures that lived more than 60 million years ago, almost similar to the structure of the Syrinx of modern geese, ducks and swans. Here Goller and his colleagues have concluded that prehistoric Vegavis iaai was able to quack, to emit a characteristic buzzing sounds similar to the pipe clicks swans.

as for the “older brothers” – the dinosaurs, yet in the numerous remains of these animals, discovered during the excavations, scientists have failed to identify any traces of the existence of the Syrinx. So it is very likely, such monsters of voice simply did not have. And because roar-howling they could not.

But at least some “dinosaur” “the song” above the Earth rang out? According to experts, in the absence of the Syrinx dinosaurs could only, not opening mouth to emit some guttural sounds. It is disappointing for the prehistoric giants might seem such a comparison, but most of all it could resemble the cooing of pigeons and kurlykina.


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