Interplanetary spacecraft “Eczemas” is approaching the red planet. It is expected that on October 16 the probe separates into a landing platform and the Orbiter. The descent module was called “Schiaparelli”. With the help of scientists and engineers will have to work out the technology of landing on Mars.
“October 16, 2016 was successfully held office demonstration Schiaparelli landing module from the orbital module TGO mission “ExoMars-2016″ on approach to the planet Mars”, — stated in the message Department.
Next, Schiaparelli will continue to move along a trajectory that crosses the orbit of the red planet. Apparatus TGO have to make the transition to a hyperbolic orbit with respect to Mars, and on 19 October there will begin braking maneuvers to enter orbit of Mars.
Schiaparelli Fit experts is scheduled for October 19, and on the same day, the module will initiate the transmission of a signal from the surface. Received and recorded it will conduct the Martian probe Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, TGO, and Mars Express.
On the territory of the Russian Federation signals TGO will take station located in Kalyazin and Bear lake. The model is intended for studying trace gases in the atmosphere, as well as for distribution in the soil of Mars water ice. With regard to Schiaparelli, this unit will develop the technology of atmospheric entry and descent and landing with a number of studies. On Mars it will last only a few days – until then, while they charged the battery.
“If we manage for many years to watch and to map the distribution of the same methane, to compare it with possible volcanic activity, to watch variations of all these parameters, we can conclude that the origin of methane on Mars. Whether it is biological or volcanic”, said the head of the physical research laboratory, the surface of planets space research Institute, RAS Daniel Rodionov.
All this time on earth to be bored scientists do not have. The module will be delivered in several times a day. And these data constantly need to generalize, to classify, to compare. It is necessary to identify the world’s point where you can escape life and focus on them. After all, Mars continues to excite minds largely because the Red planet seems the most probable refuge for humanity.
“If indeed the conditions were such as scientists predict, it is one of the few places where people will be able to function normally. Even in a closed space, let it be some unique bases, but on other planets, even worse,” — said cosmonaut-researcher of the cosmonaut corps of Roscosmos Sergey Ryazan.
But even if the technique this time will work OK, then in manned flight in the case can interfere with the human factor. Cosmonaut Sergey Ryazansky and the real orbit managed to visit, and in the project “Mars-500″ to participate. Together with colleagues they for three months to find out how can the impact of such long flights on the psyche, the relations in the team, and hence the success of the mission itself. The verdict was – “to withstand everything, but is carefully prepared”.
“Now we are entirely under the control of the earth. It controls all the processes that go on at the station. We can always get in touch with the engineer. So you need to work efficiently here on earth,” — said the Ryazan.
in Parallel with the current expedition of the European and Russian space agencies have already started to prepare for the next flight to the Red planet.
“In the framework of the project “Eczemas – 2020″ it is planned to deliver to the planet the big Rover, which is created by the European space Agency. But the entire delivery system on the landing module, which will be “planted” the Rover on the surface of Mars is Russian,” — said Rodionov.
This complex, unlike its predecessor, will be able to work on Mars for at least a year. Consequently, scientists will receive information about climate change on the planet, the interactions of the atmosphere with the surface, the strength of background radiation and can even make maps of the area. And these data will help to answer another question: “Can we live on Mars?”
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