Saturday, October 15, 2016

The researchers found that was the root cause of the origin of life on Earth – The Russian Times

Scientists working in the European space Agency, found that ultraviolet radiation was the main factor of the origin of life.

Scientists from the European Space Agency came to the conclusion that the emergence of life on our planet became possible due to UV radiation. It provoked the emergence of such compounds are molecules, which at later stages formed a living entity.

the report, published in the journal Astrobiology, scientists report that a major factor in the origin of life on Earth is ultraviolet radiation. Previously it was believed that a key role is played by the turbulence. According to this theory, hydrocarbons are formed in areas of great turbulence caused by supernova explosion or emission of substances by the young stars.

With all the variety of forms taken by life on Earth, at the heart of it are always the same basic components — the atoms of carbon, United with hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and other elements. At the same time, according to experts, still there is no single answer to the question of what forced these substances to unite into compounds, which is the “blocks of life”. Still was considered the basic assumption that the molecules of the hydrocarbons formed under the influence of turbulence. But a new study put forward an alternative hypothesis — according to astrophysicists, life on Earth appeared not as a result of “shaking”, and due to the ultraviolet radiation emitted by the Sun.

Experts have observed the processes occurring in the Orion Nebula, the nearest region of space where there is an active process of star formation. In particular, the experts were interested in the quantity, temperature and movement of the hydrocarbons (CH) and their ions (CH+) and carbon ions (C+). As it turned out, most of the hydrocarbon is formed in those parts of the nebula, where the emission of young stars ultraviolet radiation was more likely. According to researchers, the ultraviolet light heats the molecules of hydrogen, thereby causing it to react with carbon.

While events like supernova explosions, which were to lead to the formation of turbulence, a significant impact on the formation of hydrocarbons is not provided, scientists say.


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