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01:56 28.06.2016
(updated: 07:07 28.06.2016 )
2124 7 1
MOSCOW, June 27 – RIA Novosti Participants of the project operation of the International space station (ISS) will present proposals for the establishment and operation of the lunar station in the first half of 2017, said the head of the rocket press center. -kosmicheskoy Corporation “Energia” Irina Romanova newspaper “Izvestia”.
Previously, the joint plans of RSC “Energia” and NASA on the establishment of the station, which may start operating in 2020, reported the representative of the rocket and space corporation Yuri Makushenko.
According to Romanov, now the parties are discussing the potential appearance of the station, as well as requirements to its elements and interface in use.
“It is expected that the proposals for the future program of the creation and operation of international lunar visited the platform will be presented to the heads of agencies – the ISS program partners in the first half of 2017 “, – said the head of the corporation’s press-center”
As previously described Makushenko energy “plant project will include residential,. energy and node modules, as well as vehicles. The new station can be a transport hub for maintenance and repairs, communications and navigation. In addition, it will be used as part of the launch of automatic missions to asteroids and Mars.
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