Thursday, June 16, 2016

As the second surge was recorded from the merger of black holes – BBC

The final birth of a new astronomy direction – GW – was marked by the announcement of the second in the history of the fact of detection of gravitational waves, which took place the night before. As is the case with the first registered splash news of this collaboration LIGO by the rules was not disclosed. It informs only that the information will be made public at certain times – at 20.15 MSK

In February, the Russian part of the collaboration represented by the opening of the office Rambler & amp;. Co, but this time the announcement was held in the conference hall of the State astronomical Institute of Moscow State University Sternberg

. <-! place 8068283, / science / 2016/02 / 11_a_8068283.shtml, nm2015 / v2 / article / incut, incut1_link ->

«In fact, it opening the era of gravitational astronomy, and in the SAI understand it better than others. After all, in the time of Galileo’s astronomy was only an optical, glazik looked, now we have many channels of information – infrared, ultraviolet, X-ray, neutrino detectors and others,

now born Another one. In fact, the boy was born »,

– explained the importance of the opening member collaboration LIGO professor of the Physics Department of Moscow State University Sergey Vjatchanin

What is open at this time.? The idea is that the December 26, 2015 for the second time scientists have discovered gravitational waves – the disturbance of space-time metric. The waves were recorded by two detectors Laser interferometric gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO – Laser Interferometric Gravitational-Wave Observatory)., Located in Livingston, Louisiana, and Hanford, Washington, USA

In contrast to the signal registered at the first detection of gravitational waves, which was clearly visible in the background noise, the second signal was weaker and not viewed clearly. However, the scientists managed to “filter out” using a special technique. Detector recorded the event in Livingstone 1.1 milliseconds before the detector in Hanford, that allows us to give a rough estimate of the location of the source on the celestial sphere – a source located in the southern hemisphere

After analyzing the nature of the smallest vibrations test masses detectors, scientists have concluded. ,

found that gravitational waves are generated again two black holes, this time more light – weights of 14 and 8 solar masses.

The waves were caused 27 turnovers black holes, and then was born a massive hole rotating mass of 21 solar masses. As in the first case, the mass of the resulting hole does not become equal to the sum of the masses of source, and about 1 solar mass turned into energy, as well as general relativity suggests. However, there were differences in the merging system. In the first case before merging black holes have near-zero own back, but this time managed to establish,

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one of the holes that had its own torque, more than 20% of the maximum allowable theory

«second detecting gravitational waves from merging. black holes LIGO detectors are very important. The foundation for the creation of gravitational-wave astronomy is becoming stronger and more reliable, “- said Professor of the Physics Department of Moscow State University, Valery Mitrofanov

The first detection of gravitational waves, announced February 11, 2016, was a milestone in the development of physics.. It confirmed the prediction of general relativity, Albert Einstein’s theory, made in 1915. Join the two signals within four months of the first cycle Advanced LIGO detectors observations will allow to predict how often are detected signals of gravitational waves in the future

By the way, two events certain amplitude -. It is small statistic that in the future, be sure to impose a limit on the fusion rate of stellar mass black holes in the universe.

It is the staff SAI in 1997 have been published three basic articles, which give theoretical estimates such mergers and that Now you can check the observations

the choice of the announcement was indeed a symbolic place, because these walls had once been, and were the largest physics -. theoretical world. “All of this science (gravitational wave -.” Times “) originated in this room, if only not to mention Einstein, who predicted gravitational waves 100 years ago. In this room has spoken Kip Thorne, perhaps the future Nobel Prize winner, here he found the idea … In this room were seminars Yakov Borisovich Zeldovich,

and his idea of ​​the evaporation of black holes Stephen Hawking came up immediately when sitting around here on the spot “, – reminded Prof. Vladimir Lipunov, pointing to a chair next to the window, where a well-known theorist of sitting during his visit to Moscow in 1981

Today, both discoveries were made possible by more sophisticated detectors Advanced LIGO, which are more sensitive than the first generation of the LIGO detectors, and can significantly increase the amount of probed the universe. The next cycle of observations is scheduled for autumn this year. It is expected that by the time further improve the detection sensitivity of the LIGO will allow to increase the volume of the universe probed by 1.5-2 times. It is also expected that in the second half of this observation cycle will become operational Virgo detector.

In response to a reporter’s question “Gazety.Ru” Professor Mitrofanov said that the unique technological solutions and breakthroughs achieved in the creation of ultra-sensitive detectors the LIGO, will necessarily have a response not only in basic science but also in applied fields.

as an example can serve as a developed mirror sputtering technology, and reached a record accuracy in determining distances.

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«For instance, now we need a very large crystals of high-purity silicon, so we picked up the old technology, which allows the presence of a magnetic field to obtain crystals of a size of 200-300 millimeters “- said professor

Studies carried out within the LIGO scientific collaboration LSC (LIGO scientific collaboration. ) a team of more than 1 thousand. scientists from the universities of the United States and 14 other countries, including Russia.

Meanwhile, on cooperation in the framework of the collaboration could not have taken effect in 2014 against Russia sanctions. According to “Gazety.Ru” imposed restrictions complicate sending important component. For example, the crystals to be scanned in Moscow,

now I have to send from outside the US directly, and through other countries, where there are “our people».

Moscow group of physicists has created, and until recently was headed by Corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Vladimir Borisovich Braginsky – the world-famous scientist, one of the pioneers of gravitational-wave research in the world. The Group is involved in the project since 1992. From the outset, the main efforts were directed at improving the sensitivity of gravitational wave detectors, determination of fundamental quantum and thermodynamic sensitivity constraints for the development of new measurement methods. Theoretical and experimental studies of Russian scientists were embodied in creating detectors, allowed to directly observe gravitational waves from the merger of two black holes.

Currently, the staff of Moscow University research group is actively involved in the development of gravitational wave detectors of the next generation, which It will replace the current detectors and will provide a significant increase in sensitivity, enabling an almost daily basis to detect gravitational-wave signals. One such project is the LIGO-Voyager, which is supposed to use 150-pound test masses made of monocrystalline silicon, cooled to a temperature of about 120 K, as well as significantly increase the optical power in the arms of the interferometer, use compressed light.


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