Saturday, June 18, 2016

As in Soviet universities taught ideological discipline – BBC

The doctrine of Marx is omnipotent

Since 1956, future physicists and poets, biologists, geologists, that is all, without exception, Soviet students, forced to learn the most ideological training. However, the dialectical materialism and the history of the party in the list of university disciplines were not a novelty, as amended by Nikita Khrushchev. Already in 1925 a number of compulsory subjects added to “the basics of Marxism-Leninism” – the union of dialectical materialism and the history of the Communist Party in the same year

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With only gaining its momentum over time political propaganda. November 14, 1938 in connection with the publication of the “Short Course History of the CPSU (b)” central organ of the Bolshevik Party decided to strengthen the party propaganda among the population and to organize special training courses for campaign workers.

Dialectical materialism – the philosophical basis of Marxism – in 1930 was recognized as the official ideology

«Do not touch Marxism, not to encroach on his official version – that was the unspoken principle policies of Soviet philosophy.” – wrote Tolstoy Valentin, professor, Institute of philosophy in the article “All that was – it was not?”. “Marxist doctrine is omnipotent because it is true” – he liked to refer to an article Lenin propagandists “The Three Sources and Three Component Parts of Marxism”. “The laws of dialectics”, they are the same “philosophy of law” recognized as universal and versatile, able to describe all forms of life and society. Negation of the negation, the transition from quantity to quality and struggle of opposites – these laws explain the regular party activities and change of communism capitalism, which sooner or later in all countries. Later, many philosophers, among which, for example, Ewald Ilyenkov, express the view that the proper dialectical materialism is not the Soviet dialectical materialism. The latter was a vulgar statement of Marx’s ideas, generously flavored with propaganda statements.

After the June decision of the Central Committee of the CPSU, 1956, in the teaching of dialectical materialism and the history of the party other accents, and this was the principal novelty was placed. It is no coincidence the decision came after the February XX Congress, the central event of which was the report of Khrushchev on glorification of the Stalin cult and return to Lenin’s line

In the same year the Institute of Marx -. Engels – Lenin – Stalin (IMELS) was renamed the Institute of Marxism-Leninism (IML)

the link between the February Congress and the June decision of notice and the Institute of philosophy Academy of Sciences Erich Solovyov and devoted to this single verse: <-! place 8163521, / science / 2016/04 / 08_a_8163521.shtml, nm2015 / v2 / article / incut, incut2_link ->

came dashing youth with animal willingly, I
better acquainted with the Marxist doctrine.
brings us history, in hopes guilty,
sudden hysterical twentieth party Congress.

On the twentieth party Congress made the first chairman of the USSR Council of Ministers Anastas Mikoyan criticized the basis of all principles of Marxism-Leninism – the “Short course history of the CPSU (b).” It is known that at the end of 1930 training manual was under the personal supervision of Stalin, and one chapter – “On Dialectical and Historical Materialism,” – according to some historians, was written by the Secretary General. In the “Short Course” Stalin and his entourage were drawn true Marxists, faithful to the precepts of Lenin. Published during the Great Terror and recommended for general study of work justified fait accompli by the time of repression against unwanted Stalin Party members.

The first amendment to the “Short Course history of the CPSU (b)”, which was later called “the bible of Stalinism” It was made in 1953, immediately after the death of the General Secretary. The new allowance has been called “A Brief History of the CPSU” and as such has been studied in universities. From 1957 to assist teachers and students with the IML began to publish scientific collection “Questions of history of the CPSU.” In 1960, the edited supporter of Khrushchev, a staunch anti-Stalinist Boris Ponomarev was prepared “History of the CPSU”, sets out the course of development of the labor movement and the Communist Party in Russia in the XIX-XX centuries before the Twentieth Congress.

This large-scale work, which opened the final phrase “Communist Manifesto”, “Workers of all countries, unite!”, became the basis of university teaching until the beginning of the 1990s.

A new monograph It was in many ways a reaction to the old “Short course”. “From that moment [the publication" Short Course History of the CPSU (b) "] history of the CPSU has been squeezed into the Procrustean bed of Stalin’s schemes and formulas. “Short Course” substantially overshadowed by researchers theoretical treasury of Marxism-Leninism and the works of Marx, Engels, Lenin “- as commented Boris Ponomarev, All-Union conference of historians in 1962. But Ponomarevskogo benefits waiting unenviable fate: since the first edition, it was copied after each new Party Congress, and ultimately lost the harmony and has become indigestible for understanding

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Cheerful and resourceful

How to remember many students, whose share fell acquainted with courses on the history of the CPSU and dialectical materialism, it all comes down to memorization Congresses and the outcome of the endless notes Marx’s articles, Engels and Lenin. To at least a little easier on yourself, the students learned to write notes “under the brush.” Summary, for example, articles of Lenin “Infantile Disorder” Left-Wing “Communism” in just a few minutes can be obtained as follows.

A couple of pages at the beginning and at the end it was necessary to Contents nice and tidy, and to fill in the middle, it was required to take a normal, not a massage, a comb, put on paper and pen on the drive teeth.

To these wavy lines had to add a few sticks and loops, like the letters p, p, d, s, c, – an outline ready! Then the student only remains to hope that the teacher will not strictly check each page

The memory of the student battles with dialectical materialism preserved and the old joke:.

– What is the difference between mat and dialectical materialism?
– Mat all know, but pretend not to know. Dialectical materialism, no one knows, but pretend to know.
– What’s the similarity?
– Both a powerful weapon in the hands of the proletariat

About his student’s everyday life recalls the doctor of philological sciences, professor at the Higher School of Economics Oleg Lekmanov: “We (the year 1984. philological faculty of Moscow State Pedagogical) intelligent students were divided into those who all learn by heart, and then the exam puzzled examiner issues a “podkovyrkoy”, and those who blatantly copied without teaching anything.

I, alas, came in the second group: before the examination of the two books blankly razor sliced ​​cribs and use them to get five. However, I was taken into the army in the summer (spring session was), so that the demand was small

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in general, in my day teachers of relevant disciplines somehow already withered, povydohlis (in society working law: no one believes in communism, but do not stick with their doubts to the authorities) and looked a bit haunted (though the restructuring had not yet loomed ahead). We have a history of the Party taught some Azerbaijani graduate student Edward Vazikovich because he once lost his temper and began to shout, when a student accidentally called him Vazikom Eduardovich.

Many years later I met this same Edward in the role of the teacher any cultural studies or something, and many others have successfully retrained in the history teachers of religion and only occasionally out of habit suddenly can bryaknut something like: “One step forward, two steps back” or “Decembrists awakened Herzen»

But in the old days, students and their smart parents sometimes had abruptly. For example, a friend of my dad and my oldest friend, the great educator Simon Soloveychik when his son entered university, as follows preparing him for the exam on history:

first told me how it was, and then – how to respond to the exam »

a specter is haunting the corridors -. specter of dialectical materialism

After the collapse of the Soviet Union the teaching of the history of the CPSU and dialectical materialism high schools has been canceled. Along with these disciplines has sunk into oblivion, and another – scientific atheism. Dialectical materialism was only a part of the general history of philosophy in special departments. Alex Krizhevsky, who studied at the Department of Philosophy of Religion and Religious Studies of the Philosophy Faculty of Moscow State University in the years 1993-1999, tells about the years of study, “Dialectical materialism as a” primer “, the basic framework, an example of which can be explained by the primary philosophical concepts, is quite suitable. Described time was so interesting, that dialectical materialism is out of its protective capsule and all the slogans turned into elements of antiquity, became junk and antiques, ceasing to be alive. It was interesting that he used to be it poses, sacred ideology and is now forced to the cold wind to compete with other, strong, serious paradigms and, of course, showing all its limitations

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In 1993, of course, have had no scientific atheism, but what is interesting: through the new name at the booth of my chair philosophy of religion and religious viewed badly torn old letter – of scientific atheism. Previously, because even in our faculty could act only on the advice of the regional committee of the CPSU

Then we prepare these ideological fighters:. Not just those people who are chanting the history of the CPSU, and the diehard Marxists . We understand that they are wealthy intellectually, but completely belong to the past century.

During the period of perestroika in the school came a lot of interesting people. A new textbook “Man and Society”. Before him, there were only yellowed old “kommunyachi” senseless books on social science, built on the dialectical materialism and historical materialism, the new has been a lot of interesting, but rassypuhoy, without a system. There were the basics of philosophy, sociology, political science. It became apparent that there has been the pluralism. But I want to note that the ideological dictatorship is the Faculty of Philosophy was asleep even earlier: at the time, when I did, the world has already stormed the stronghold

In my time at the Department of people came for the religious knowledge to be believed. and test their views. They were enthusiastic and the students, and those people who are poorly studied, the competition was only one and a half per place. Though in 1994 already claimed four. Came adults or for the second higher education, or later to attend to first. Some had already overhauled repulsed brains in the Army, they could not learn. Schooling was a lot. We had to sit every day from morning to evening in the library, if you wanted to study well.

time, I’m talking about, it is interesting by the fact that, on the one hand, dialectical materialism was on a par with all the other teachings and therefore endlessly examined, and on the other – for the majority of teachers with a very large set of knowledge he was still paradigmatic. We have had wonderful teachers from the Department of Social Philosophy and Philosophy of History Vladimir Sergeyevich Krzhevov and Karen Kh Momjian. They were convinced Marxists, but so “fresh” in their presentation of Marxism was verifiable, consistent theory. I can say that in the sense of social views I very much helped the Philosophy Faculty. Due to the fact that I learned a lot, and he was interested in, I remain a Marxist.

In fact, if we look closely we read “Capital” and in general the legacy of Marx, we see very many interesting things

Around one tenets of Marxism -. “Being determines consciousness” – were constant discussions. Soviet people was overloaded, he had to move out of the concept of ethics and the beauty, peace and war. It was a debate on which is fully dependent on how we live, because philosophy governs the state, and not vice versa. The debate has been really hot, at the time they were everywhere.

As I see it, the problem was not dialectical materialism, and dictate the scientific and educational policy, which is lined up in a way that did not give him really learn . She wore glasses and a man forced to consider all from the standpoint of ideology, cramming history of the party. This overgrown religious cult and has been studied as we study the sacred texts. Teachers in Soviet times demanded attitude to all as a sacred canon. And due to the fact that everything was closed and stagnant around dialectical materialism began to appear “bacteria”. In the end, the Soviet ideologues, and undoing what they have removed all the elements of verification and doubt. »


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