Thursday, June 23, 2016

Figaro here, Figaro there: what is teleportation – TASS

June 22 the media reported on the preparation of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives (ASI), the road map of the project in the Russian information security systems and kiberfizicheskih systems, which, among other things, involves the 2035 introduction of teleportation technology. Later, in the ASI said that the term quantum teleportation” has been misunderstood in the media, it is necessary to create a secure communication and control drones, and not to move in the space of energy and matter.

However Tass tried to understand what teleportation and whether it is possible to use this technology in the future.

What is teleportation?

  • Under the teleportation is meant moving an object from one point in space to another in an infinitely small amount of time. Moving this can be done either with the help of some technological methods, or under the influence of the paranormal.
  • The term was coined in 1931 by American author Charles Fort to describe the strange disappearances and appearances, the paranormal.

is it possible to teleport now?

  • at the moment, no, this is only possible in the scientific fiction.
  • However, there is the term “quantum teleportation”, this transfer does not object, and their quantum states that are now possible.

what methods of teleportation described in science fiction?

  • Portals. Used fantasy as one of the elements move quickly through the area. There may be natural or artificially created.
  • Zero-space. Some more space or the universe, in which each point is related to our space, but the distances are compressed compared to our several times. Thus, to overcome a few light-years of our space, we can make a puncture in the zero-space, to overcome a couple of meters there and back into our space.
  • The transport beam. Method for the teleportation object when held its scan up to a position of atoms, then the original dematerialized into the car, which reassembles (materializes) object at the arrival point.

What is Quantum teleportation?

  • Transmission of quantum state at a distance by means of separation in space entangled (complicated) pairs and classical communication channel, in which the state is destroyed at the point of origin during the measurement and then re-created at the point reception. The term established through published in 1993 an article in the journal Physical Review Letters, which describes what is a quantum phenomenon is invited to call teleportation and how it differs from the popular sci-fi teleportation.

How does the quantum teleportation?

  • In quantum teleportation over a distance is transmitted not the object itself, but its quantum state. This is possible thanks to a special state of the particle, which is called confusing.
  • confusing called particles, which act as “indivisible” object in a single quantum state. Particles may be two or more. The parameters of each individual particle of the particles depend on other parameters. Entangled particles can be very far apart, but their ability to “feel” the changes taking place with the “partner” is stored.

How can I use the quantum teleportation?

  • with this technology it is possible to transmit data by storing it on the way to complete secrecy:. for example, payment information on the Internet
  • Transmission of information using quantum communication can give a high degree, or even a complete protection from hackers, as used single photons whose states are changed forever as soon as someone tries to communicate them to “read”. So imperceptibly “eavesdrop” information, which is transmitted through these channels, you can not

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