The drone was called Aquila. It gets its power from solar panels, the car weighs less at the wing span comparable to the wingspan of Boeing-737 airliner, and can stay in the air for several months, reports Medusa.
Read also Scientists have created an underwater drone companion diver (video)
Also on Facebook managed to achieve high speed data transfer on the surface of the drone with lasers. Currently, the company managed to achieve data transfer rates of 10 gigabits per second.
According to the concept of Facebook, drones, handing the Internet in remote places, will fly at an altitude of 18 thousand meters – that is, higher air corridors civil aircraft . It is assumed that the drones can stay in the air without landing for three months.
In addition to Facebook similar projects to provide access to the Internet in remote areas are planning to launch Google (the company is considering the use of special balloons) and private space company SpaceX. When it comes to SpaceX to launch a large number of satellites in Earth orbit.
MOSCOW, July 31 – RIA Novosti. The inhabitants of the Earth on the night of August 1, will be able to observe a unique astronomical phenomenon – “Blue Moon”, the website of NASA.
The very concept of ” blue moon “does not change the color of earth satellite. It is derived from the English idiomatic expression “once in a blue moon”, which means “very seldom, almost never”.
The full moon in the sky appears once a month, but in July of this phenomenon occurs in the second times. The first full moon of the Earth’s inhabitants could watch on July 2 and the second will take place on the night from July 31 to August 1.
Moon really blue hue can be seen very rarely, a prerequisite for this – clouding the atmosphere with ash, dust or smoke, such as a volcanic eruption or a severe forest fire.
The moon could become a blue, so even with the Sun – on the conditions under which it can occur, says science department “Gazety.Ru”, at the same time explaining the history of the origin of the expression “blue Moon “and recalling that the current” blue “moon – it’s just an image.
« Blue »moon hung over the news
Table two full moons per one month
– the first full moon – the second full moon 2001 – November 1 – November 30, 2004 – July 2 – July 31 2007 – June 1 – June 30 2009 – December 2 – 31 December 2012 – August 2 – August 31 2015 – July 2 – July 31 2018 – January 2 – January 31 2018 – March 2 – March 31 2020 – 1 October – 31 October 2023 – August 1 – 31 August 2026 – May 1 – May 31 2028 – December 2 – December 31
«Blue» moon rise on July 31, “” upcoming night Muscovites will be able to watch ” blue “moon”, “blue” moon hung over Russia “- such headlines are full of Russian media on Friday. Not far behind them and the English-language edition of “Blue” Moon: rare cosmic phenomenon will shine in the sky “,” Find “blue” moon tonight, “” rare “blue” moon completes the month. ”
Strictly speaking, the vast majority of messages contained the correct information it is: they said that the phenomenon of “blue” moon means a situation where one calendar month there are two full moon.
Let us explain: between two full moons – the lunar month – lasts 29.53 Earth days. And the average length of the calendar month (including leap year) of 30.4375 days. For 33 months, this difference “is incident” on a lunar month – and as a result it turns out that one calendar month falls just two full moons.
By the color of the moon, these calculations have nothing to do: if you already speak quite simply, it moves and moves itself, regardless of how the world is arranged calendar. That is, if the world one month lasted 60 days, the “blue” moon would be observed every month, and this, obviously, no one would have paid any attention to this everyday fact.
Next is “blue” moon will occur in January 2018.
«Subject stupid»
To discuss not whether this material is to go under the heading “obscurantism”, the Department of Science Correspondent “Gazety.Ru” attracted leading researcher SAI, author of regular astronomical surveys in “” Sergei Popov . He was questioned as to whether the news about the “blue” moon appearing in the media and what is their meaning: it is the spread of a certain obscurantism, or the awakening of interest in science?
Popov said that this is not obscurantism, but he would have it in place is not the news media staff wrote: “I’m just not interested and did not seem to matter».
«But someone might argue that the statement is still there, still about it will write, and so it is important to write intelligent lyrics, but the theme and foolish – continued Popov. – I guess I would say that the place such texts on Wikipedia, encyclopedias, etc. And then a reasonable person to see “bad news” on the subject, or he googled, or quickly stumble on the link in the resource encyclopedic-type social networks. Probably, if the news of de facto caused a stir in the “yellow” media, normally I would have confined the media briefs citing good encyclopedic resources (if any). And if they do not, then we can take the time to review, but then it and pour in Wikipedia. ”
Whistling cancer on the mountain after rain on Thursday
To call two full moon falling on one calendar month, the phrase “blue” moon happened in the English-speaking world. In English, the expression once in a blue moon is literally translated as “once when the blue moon”, but is set to “once in a hundred years”, “at once,” “never” or “rarely even.”
An analogue of this saying in Russian is the expression ” When cancer at Mount whistle “(that is, probably, as ever) or” after rain on Thursday ».
The earliest use of the term” blue moon “in the sense of something unattainable and incredible occurs in the collection «Rede me and be nott wrothe, for I say no thynge but trothe» (rough translation from the medieval English is: “Read my text and do not write another, for verily all that is said of me”), published in 1528. This book contains a very frivolous pamphlets against the Roman clergy and, in particular, Cardinal Thomas Wolsey, Lord Chancellor of the kingdom of England in 1515-1529, respectively.
Portrait of Cardinal Wolsey in the University of Oxford (1526)
At this time, the throne was Henry VIII, who, with the blessing of Wolsey, preferred to have fun and to change wives (there is a famous film «Henry VIII and his six wives »), while the country’s real estate manager Wolsey.
Passage to the moon in this collection is as follows:
«Priests – as a cunning fox, stake, they say that the moon is blue, > believe we have these words ».
(translation Yana Hlyustovoy )
Can the moon be blue?
However, sometimes the moon in the sky can really take the color blue – and this not only the case when the observer looks at it through a blue filter. In 1950, residents of Alberta and British Columbia were groaning under the peat fires in the valley Chinchagi – a tributary of the Hay. This fire was the largest in the history of North America.
In addition to the environmental problems of the fire caused an interesting optical effect: The moon and the sun even acquired a distinct shade of blue.
This was due light scattering large (more than 1 micron – 0.000001 meter) particles released into the atmosphere by fire. Smoke from the fire spread to the northern half of the hemisphere. As a result, blue moon seen in the United States and even in Europe.
evening of July 31 in the sky is expected second full moon this month
In the evening on July 31 in the sky anticipated second full moon in a month. This phenomenon is called “blue moon.” Specialists of the Moscow planetarium explained the nature of this phenomenon, See also: the media: the phenomenon of “Chelyabinsk car” appeared over Cuba and the United States noting that moon literally not be colored blue. Reported RT.
«In fact the moon last night of a special blue hue acquires. It will look the same as in the rest of the full moon of the year. It’s just beautiful figurative name, borrowed from the English expression «Once in a Blue Moon» , the equivalent of our expression “Once in a blue moon,” – said the head of the Moscow planetarium astronomical complex Jaroslav Turilov.
This astronomical event as a double full moon usually occurs every two to three years.
The orbital telescope NASA« Spitzer “and the Keck Observatory in Hawaii confirmed the existence of extrasolar planets similar to Earth, which is located at a distance of 21 light years from the sun. Thus, it is the closest planet to the solar system of this type.
The planet, called HD 219134b larger Earth 1.6 times. It was discovered in the system, located in the constellation Cassiopeia. The experts made it clear that life on this planet is not possible, as it runs too close to its star.
July 23 NASA announced the discovery of Earth-like planets around a star similar to the Sun orbiting telescope “Hubble”. This planet orbits its star in the “zone of life”, that is, the temperature and other conditions on it suggests the existence of living organisms.
The planet, called Kepler-452b, 60% larger than the Earth, and its mass the composition is unknown. Scientists have estimated her age 6 billion years. Year on this planet lasts 385 days, and its orbit is 5% longer than Earth’s. Open Planet is also a 5% further from its star Kepler-452 than the Earth is from the sun.
«The 20th anniversary of the discovery, which proved the existence of planets around other suns, a researcher at exoplanets” Kepler “discovered planet and the star, who are most similar to the Earth and the sun. This is an outstanding result, which makes us a step closer to finding Earth-2.0 “, – said the head of NASA science programs Gransfeld John.
Representatives of the agency hoped that Kepler-452b help to understand the future of the Earth and its environment . Analysts NASA admitted that the presence of the planet necessary ingredients for her life may be.
This star can be seen from Earth with the naked eye
Surveillance Telescope “Spitzer” confirmed the existence of Earth-like planets in the 21 light-year from the sun, today it is very close to our planet Earth-like. Reported TASS referring to NASA.
See also: In our galaxy discovered a planet the size of Earth “exoplanets Transit worth their weight in gold, because we can describe a variety of settings. This planet is one of the most actively studied in the coming decades, “- said researcher Michael Werner, a spokesman for NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena (USA).
The planet HD 219134b orbits the star Gliese 892 in the constellation Cassiopeia. Star can be seen from Earth with the naked eye, although it is less hot and bright than the sun. The planet is too close to the star, so that her life could exist.
The closest to us Earth-like planet is only 21 light-year from the sun
Today, at 01:04, Views: 2914
The Planet is a difficult to pronounce name HD 219134b orbits the star Gliese 892 in the constellation Cassiopeia. The find particularly disturbing the fact that the star-owner of the exoplanet can be seen with the naked even with the surface of the Earth.
An exciting discovery, scientists have made a telescope Spitzer, after the discovery of the press service of NASA.
In the department stressed that Today, this distance to the nearest extrasolar planets is closest to the Earth.
“Most of the known planets are hundreds of light years away. The planet is practically our neighbor,” – said the astronomer, and one of the authors of the study, Lars Buchchave from Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics.
Another specialist – Laboratory NASA representative Michael Werner admitted that discovered planet HD 219134b will be one of the most studied in the next few decades.
“exoplanets Transit worth their weight in gold, because we can describe a variety of settings,” – he added.
According to the mass of a planet discovered is about 4.5 times, and size – 1, 6 times the size of Earth. It clarifies Tass, comparison of weight and size it possible to calculate the density of matter: 6 grams per cubic centimeter, which confirms that it belongs to the terrestrial planets.
Scientists have noted with regret that HD 219134b is rotating too close to its star, so the possibility of life on her doubts.
By the way, this exoplanet was discovered a few years ago with a spectrograph on the telescope Galileo, but the data were carrying only approximate information, because then the research method was used gravitational microlensing. Today, thanks to the latest technology, using Spitzer’s scientists were able to obtain more accurate data on the size and structure of the planet.
The planet HD 219134b is a transit, it means that it is located so that we can observe with telescopes as it passes between us and its star. This allowed the scientists to clarify its size, and in the future will enable to find out whether the planet atmosphere and, if so, to investigate its composition.
Let’s remind, the other day it became known that the experts from NASA via superstrong orbital telescope Hubble saw in space science previously unknown planet in the constellation Cygnus. Kepler 452b, as the planet called, is located 1,400 light-years from Earth.
Read the MC: “The planet Kepler-186f may be a living relative of the Earth”
Russian portal “Rambler” has undergone some changes in the design of “News” section. Now spaced section on “plot development”. Analytical materials in a separate block. Some materials can be found in the rating the “Reader’s Choice».
According to Chief Editor of “Rambler” Sergei Yakovlev, “now the news has appeared on the portal page. Also, the editor noted that henceforth photo reports and video news will be served in a wider format.
Now the reader will be able to see not only a picture of the day, made up the editorship, but also the most popular and important, according to readers. Materials on socio-political themes can now be found in the intelligence.
Earlier, the page “News” displays news presented on the main page Rambler.
«That is, Essentially, we can say that the “news” was not their homepage, “- said Sergey Yakovlev.
Recall that in 2012, the media portal” Rambler “has become known as personalized news media portal. According to TNS, the audience “Rambler-news” for the year increased by 15%. Only in June it amounted to seven million people. Number of page views on “Rambler-news” for the six months in 2015 increased by 45% compared to the same period last year. The number of sessions increased by 40%, and the average duration of a session – by 26,5%.
of Facebook in 2016 plans to launch a communications technology in three-dimensional virtual reality, according to The Verge .
This was at a conference on the financial result in the second quarter Facebook this year, he said CEO Mark Zuckerberg. According to his plans, in the first half of 2016 Facebook will provide a platform of virtual reality. Initially it will house games and video.
In the spring of 2014 Facebook has acquired a virtual reality helmet maker Oculus Rift – the company Oculus VR. Facebook plans to improve the technology and social networks to give users the ability to surf the Internet in the form of virtual reality.
The scientists from Osaka University was established in the world’s most powerful laser radiation beam which has a capacity of 2 petawatts.
The invention named LFEX (Laser for Fast Ignition Experiments). As reported at the university, its length is about 92 meters.
The developers note that, for all its power laser requires so much energy to work. He consumes several hundred joules (about the same uses microwave), and a huge power is achieved due to the small amount of time of its generation.
In essence, the power – the energy expended for a while. The laser generates a beam length of 2 picoseconds and therefore output turns giant. Provides this through a series of glass “lamps”, working as an amplifier laser flow.
It should be noted that the researchers decided not to rest on our laurels and we intend in the future to create a laser power of 10 petawatts.
The new unit will be called the Russian Federal Space Agency” Center of Human Spaceflight, “and it will be headed by Sergei Krikalev.
Academy” Khakassia-Inform »:
Roscosmos will undergo restructuring and in the course of it, likely to be created by the National Center for Human Spaceflight (LAC). Headed by the first deputy director of the new structure of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise “Central Research Institute of Machine Building” (TsNIIMash) for manned programs Sergei Krikalev, the newspaper “Izvestia”, referring to an informed source at the space agency.
“ Do not like to say “ho,” is not skipped, so to say anything about the new structure ready only after it is established and, of course, if I nominate its leader “, – commented the newspaper Krikalev this information.
The composition of LAC will Cosmonaut Training Center, management of manned programs Roscosmos present, a number of units of RSC “Energia” and TsNIIMASH, including the Mission Control Center. According to a source publication, a list of preliminary and may still be added.
By the way, the creation of LAC, and will be accompanied by personnel changes. In particular, the post may leave the head of Cosmonaut Training Center Yuri Lonchakov. Russian Space Agency spokesman Igor Bourenkov not confirm the newspaper’s resignation Lonchakova, noting that this issue was not discussed.
The Windows 10 differs from its predecessors and competitors?
On July 29, the light is a new version of the famous product of Microsoft – the Windows operating system 10.
Computer magazines online resources around the world criticize the new system, talk about its advantages and disadvantages.
The Windows 10 differs from its predecessors and competitors?
For registered users of Microsoft distributes new product for free. Why suddenly such generosity?
And whether or not, as they say, the tenth edition will be the last in a series of operating systems Windows?
In an interview with the editor of the Russian version of the international computer magazine Chip Andrew Kireyev the host of “Fifth Floor” Alexander Kan is trying to find answers to these and many other interesting of all computer users questions.
Download the podcast program “Fifth floor” here.
Alexander Kahn: Out of any new version of the Windows operating system turns into a great event. Twenty years ago, the song Rolling Stones Starting Up thundered around the world, while promising new operating system Windows 95. And Windows 10. Are any such novelty – such an important event, or is it just hype products?
Andrew Kireev: It’s not hype, it’s really important step not only for the company but also for the users. With each new version of the user in the operating system expects something new and more convenient. With the release of Windows 8 users have been slightly disappointed, though many were waiting for – start screen with tiles caused a stir, but then disappointed, because it was not very comfortable. In the new version the developers have worked on the mistakes, shortcomings and corrected now expected a grand procession of new OSes for computers.
AK.: “Top Ten” just fix flaws “Eight “or we are dealing with a fundamentally new product?
An.K.: says the company itself, Windows 10 – it is seriously modified Windows 8.1. In Windows 8.1 have been added to some of the tools that make the operating system more user-friendly, even over Windows 8 has been modified security very seriously, and home and business users, the latter – much worse.
AK.: There is talk that the program will be free. Microsoft is the first time such a step, although a detailed examination reveals that the gratuity is not for everyone. What’s the deal there?
An.K.: free New Operating System is only for licensed users of Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1. These users will update their systems, or may install a new, key in the previous one. But, as the company claims, Windows 10 can deliver and unlicensed user. No restrictions will not be only on the desktop will be shown inscription that unlicensed operating system. There are only a few restrictions on updating the software is not security-related.
AK. : It is also interesting new browser, “The Edge”. what it is? How is it different from its predecessors?
An.K.: The new browser will be available only to Windows 10. “The Edge” positioned “Microsoft” as a more secure and fast tool to find and work with information on the Internet. One of its advantages – highlight information, notes, and to share with other users. This browser will have additional add-ons, but those add-ons that were in the “Explorer”, which represented some threats, they cut off.
AK.: Advanced users in the “Explorer” look with contempt. Recently switched to Google Chrome, or to Firefox. So the comparison with the “Explorer” little work. And in this regard, looks “Edge”?
An.K. : To compare is not necessary, because the browser looks Spartan, even title the first was “Spartan”. The graphical interface is not rich settings, the emphasis is on speed and security.
AK. : It is said that in Windows-10 will be built a new office suite, Office 2016 . On this occasion, too, received contradictory information: mobile device with a screen of at least 10-inch version will get a touch, and the rest will have to buy it.
An.K.: I think people were misled. Microsoft recently held a round table, where it was said that such a package users will receive all Windows-10. 2016 will not be included in the name. The office will be composed of three basic tools – Word, Excel and PowerPoint. Limit diagonal likely not provided. But implemented by Microsoft in Windows 10 interface Continuum optimizes applications for devices with different screen sizes, including touch screen.
AK. : We hear that and Windows 10 and Office will be free. Why such generosity? And how it will work in the business model?
An.K.: From the release of a free operating system “Microsoft” also gets its benefit. Apple has long been practicing such a scheme, also Google. The advantage is that increases overall security of the network. Now thousands of computers running on Windows XP has, including infected. Offering a move to a modern operating system with unprecedented security measures that ensure safety from viruses and substitute drivers, even at the start, the company has pulls on his side of illegal users, including pirates, who will be required to enter an account in the new OS, without which it can not be used , Microsoft puts them on record. It can collect data that make other companies for advertising purposes. The new operating system using new types of authorization, including through the camera when to go into Windows, you need to show your face.
AK.: more Not long ago Microsoft was an absolute monopoly on the operating system, it applies even to the fairly stringent punitive measures. And now we are talking about Apple and Google. Monopoly destroyed?
An.K.: action on de-monopolization go for a long time. In Russia there is a transition to the open operating system Linux, this is particularly evident in the state institutions. Monopoly, the unreliability of the software giant, which at any moment could turn off the services, making such steps is quite logical.
AK.: There is information that Windows 10 may not be almost final version of the OS?
An.K. : Yes, Microsoft made such a declaration. In the future it will be released updates that will be installed on the user’s computer without his knowledge. That is, the OP will simply be upgraded, which is quite logical.
Scientists from around the world are sounding the alarm, they oppose the use of artificial intelligence to create new military equipment and weapons systems. As it became known, more than a thousand engineers and researchers put their names to an open letter about the world said the publication of the BBC Russian Service.
The document states that if a large military state will try to get ahead in the development of weapons of artificial intelligence, then there will come a global arms race. As a result, there will be automatic “Kalashnikov” of the future.
The authors, write a letter, call humanity refuse to use artificial intelligence to create military equipment. They say that the consequences of such a race will cause unpredictable consequences.
The question of the creation of fighting robots has been debated in the UN. Representatives of international organizations are considering a ban on the establishment of certain types of autonomous combat systems.
It should be noted that the open letter was signed by such famous people as the physicist and cosmologist Stephen Hawking, entrepreneur Elon Musk, as well as co-founder of Apple, Steve Wozniak. Letter going to transfer to representatives of the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Buenos Aires. It is hoped that humanity ponder over the consequences of the use of artificial intelligence and its use in military equipment.
Vladislav Kravtsov on materials: Illustration from the site:
Microsoft’s lawyers tried a new way to search entities illegally using products of the corporation, is to look at the requirements for applicants to the job site, according to the portal .
It has been found Company of Yekaterinburg, which housed Personal assistant sales manager demanding knowledge of MS Office, while the list of buyers of the license to use the product of a legal person has not been found.
Microsoft appealed to the Arbitration Court of the Sverdlovsk region of the approval requirements to inspect the computers in the office of Yekaterinburg, in which were found a pirated version of Windows XP and Microsoft Office. Damage Microsoft has been estimated at 100 thousand. Rub. The corporation won the trial.