In recent decades, teenage drinking has become a real problem. According to statistics, in Europe and in the US from 20% to 50% of young people at parties and vpisok drink from 2 to 5 servings of alcohol. A serving in this case means one glass of wine, a cocktail, a glass of beer, a glass of brandy or other container filled with alcohol. In this case, 10% of teenagers are able to drink up to ten servings of alcohol.
Scientists have confirmed that teenage drinking is not only a decline in academic performance at school or university.
A few years ago, American researchers have begun to study the relationship between teenage alcoholism and other addictions, such as malnutrition. Similar work was carried out only in the US, but their results were able to interested scientists from other countries. In the March issue of the scientific journal Alcoholism: Clinical & amp; Experimental Research to be published study conducted in the Russian reality …
The idea is that the scientists were able to establish a direct link between unhealthy diets of adolescents and their addiction to alcohol.
Participants in a study conducted in 2003, began in 2488 schoolchildren from Arkhangelsk in age from 13 to 17 years – 1,485 girls and 1,003 boys. More than 60% of children brought up in two-parent families, with almost half of their parents had a higher education. Arkhangelsk was chosen as the site for the survey because the demographics and income levels in the northern city as close as possible to the average Russian indicators.
The students gave written consent for the anonymous survey. In the first part of the test the students were asked questions about their diet – how many times a day they eat and drink if junk food, the perception of their own weight – consider whether children themselves too thin or full, about what they are doing to solve weight problems – sit on a diet, do sports, take medications. The second part of the study was aimed at finding out whether the students consume alcoholic beverages during the holidays and parties.
The results showed that 49.3% of girls and 12.8% of boys want to lose weight.
The measures for this teenage take very different: 31.3% of girls and 10.2% of boys chose diet and exercise, and 2.6% and 3.3% of them considered acceptable use of laxatives and vomiting drugs.
Scientists have paid attention to the following factors: despite the fact that many teenagers said they are dissatisfied with their own weight and tend to lose weight, their behavior is largely inconsistent.
For example, 41.5% of girls and 35% boys stated that they often eat even when you do not feel hunger.
As for the drinking, the 756 (50.9%) women and 405 (40.3%) boys admitted that, on average drink 2 to 5 servings of alcoholic beverages per party. Scientists claim that these data are similar to the results of similar studies conducted in the US and Europe.
The analysis obtained in the survey data allowed scientists to conclude that the use of alcohol tend to those adolescents whose food habits are inconsistent . Experts attribute this to psychological factors.
The desire to lose weight and at the same time overeating evidence of impulsive behavior in adolescents, which means that it is often not able to constantly monitor their behavior at parties and celebrations. Moreover, the desire to earn the respect of their peers and to be “like everyone else”, as well as self-doubt, as evidenced by the discontent own appearance, which may affect the decision to skip the extra glass of teenagers.
According to BBC
Photo by Natalia Yakovleva
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