Black holes – the most menacing and mysterious objects in the cosmos known to us. Most recently was discovered another, our happiness, located 12.8 billion light years from Earth. This black hole belongs to a class of supermassive, and its mass about 12 billion times the mass of our sun. But the most interesting thing in the new object is not mass, and its age. Usually black holes grow as they age, absorbing their surrounding interstellar gas, as well as planets, stars, and in general any objects rather “stupid” to be in the area of capture holes.
Previously, astronomers have detected black holes with similar or even greater weight, but they were much older – “newcomer” amazing young by the standards of black holes. Since it is located very far away, we see it for what it was 12.8 billion years ago, that is all in 875 million years after the Big Bang. The question of how this black hole was able to grow so quickly to such monstrous proportions, yet puts scientists in a deadlock. The fact that the age of the new object is not consistent with the currently accepted theories about the formation of black holes and life.
accretion disk and relativistic jet
But put forward quite logical assumption. It is possible that older stars that collapse into black holes were larger than previously thought. But not expelled another option: two holes smaller dimensions were merged into a supermassive. The new black hole was discovered because of the light emitted by the accretion disk surrounding it (quasar). So far, this quasar is the brightest of the objects found in this early universe. He is 40 thousand times brighter than our Milky Way.
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