Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Baikal level drops below a critical level – RBC

The water level in Lake Baikal over the past day has fallen below the limit mark, said Wednesday the Federal Agency for Water Resources (Rosvodoresursy).

«level in Lake Baikal during the last day decreased by 1 cm to mark 455 99 m “, – said in a statement on its website.

In 2001, for the conservation of natural complexes unique lake, the Russian government has set the minimum and maximum water level in the lake – 456 and 457 meters.

In connection with the “prevailing dry conditions” in the basin of Lake Baikal and the Angara cascade reservoirs Irkutsk Region Governor Sergey Eroschenko announced on high alert. EMERCOM Russia’s Buryatia also introduced high alert.

The minimum allowable level of 456.0 m in the water level in Lake Baikal reached Feb. 19. “The level of Lake Baikal down to the level of 456.0 meters, this chapter Ministry of Natural Resources Sergey Donskoy at the daily briefing said the head of RosVodResursy Marina SELIVERSTOVA” – passed RIA Novosti Russian Ministry of Natural Resources.

According to the director of the Hydrometeorological Centre of Russia Roman Vilfand, until May Baikal level will decrease by 13-16 cm below the lower level.

In February 2015, the Russian government authorized the use of the water of Lake Baikal in dry years “in a volume that ensures the operation of water intake structures include economic and social spheres located downstream of the Irkutsk hydroelectric. ” In the autumn of 2014 the governor of Irkutsk region made for reducing Baikal. The purpose of draining the water is called the completion of reservoirs, which are located in the region. “Stop the operation of water intake structures TPP-10, OAO” Angarsk Petrochemical Company “, JSC” Angarsk Electrolysis Chemical Complex. ” In addition, there is a danger stop the flow of cold water in the water intake facilities of the branch of OJSC “Irkutskenergo” HPP-9, which will lead to the cessation of heat and electricity to the population and the majority of industrial enterprises in the city of Angarsk. Without water, electricity and heating can stay more than 200 thousand. Man. The size of the likely damage could reach more than 200 million rubles. a day “- said in a letter to the governor, which quoted” Kommersant ».

Baikal is the deepest (1 thousand. 637 m) and the old (about 25 million years) lake in the world, with a unique in terms of quality and supply of freshwater (23.6 thousand. cu. km, ie 20% of world reserves). The lake is included in the list of UNESCO World Heritage Site.


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