How many rubbish flew to earth, had there something to burn and see whether it is all people – is unknown.
In 2014, more than six hundred satellites that are out of order, and just pieces of the spacecraft burned up in Earth’s atmosphere, falling on its surface.
The data presented to the press service of NASA to the UN Committee. This information was used in the discussion of “cleaning space junk.” Over the past 12 months ‘rain’ was more intense than usual. The reason was to increase the activity of the Sun, which made the atmosphere above. Such changes are made to share “garbage” that flew himself, and nobody touched, in low orbits, fly to Earth. Experts are sure that the total mass descended on the surface of the “Earth” garbage “is much more than the specified media 100 tons.
True, it is difficult to say how many of the” space junk “flew to the Earth without being burned during the passage through the atmosphere, impossible to understand. The only thing we can say for sure – people were not injured. Anyway, no one complained.
NASA employees claim that after such a “clean” in extraterrestrial space has become somewhat clearer. Especially strongly decreased the number of objects and fragments that are larger than 10 inches. But the total mass of the satellites that are no longer used, but simply “run” in orbit, over the past ten years has increased from 5 to 6.7 million tons.
Specialists are constantly pushing new ways to clean debris from near-Earth space. Among them you can find even exotic – until the development of special vacuum cleaners. But, at the same time, almost all agree that the best way – strictly adhere to the rules for the use of space vehicles. All!
In NASA is believed that the satellites that have worked in the geostationary orbit should be raised by another 200 kilometers up in the so-called “cosmic cemetery.” This height can be called relatively safe.
But closer to the surface of the Earth orbit the situation is almost deplorable. According to the rules, machines that fly there should burn for a maximum of 25 years from the completion of the work. But, in fact, it does not happen, because their owners do not put satellites in expensive motors for maneuvering. That is – do not clean up after themselves!
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