“On 24 February, the Deputy Attorney Novosibirsk instituted against the director FGBUK” NGATOiB “Boris Mezdricha and director Timothy Kuljabina an administrative offense under Part 2 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation st.5.26 (deliberate public desecration of religious or theological literature, objects of religious veneration, signs or emblems ideological symbols and paraphernalia of any damage or destruction), “- said in a message posted on its website.
As established by the prosecutor’s check drawn on the appeals of the Metropolitan of Novosibirsk and Berdsk Tikhon and Deputy Chief of Research Affairs of Russia in Novosibirsk region (the name is not specified), Timothy Kulyabin putting “romantic opera” “Tannhauser” and Boris Mezdrich – allowing her performance, publicly desecrated the “object of worship in Christianity – the Gospel image of Jesus Christ».
B. 2 st.5.26 the Administrative Code provides for punishment in the form of an administrative fine of up to 50 thousand rubles for individuals and up to 200 thousand rubles for officials or community service for up to 120 hours.
In addition, the investigating authority undertake criminal proceedings check on the appeals of citizens and members of the public, staging the play is regarded as insulting religious feelings of believers, it is stated on the site Prosecutor’s Office.
According to the website Colta.ru , the disposal of which appeared earlier decision to institute proceedings signed by the deputy prosecutor of Novosibirsk Igor Stasyulisa, the supervisory authority conducted an audit by examining the materials provided NGATOiB, including Opera booklet, a poster for the film Tannhauser “Grotto of Venus” and a video of the performance.
Kulyabin confirmed Tayge.info that ruling prosecutors exist, but said that has not yet commented on the situation.
«Tannhauser” is Novosibirsk Opera and Ballet Theater to December 2014. Timothy Kulyabin transferred the action Wagner in the present, making the knight Heinrich Tannhauser film director.
The Metropolitan Tikhon said in February that the complained statement , seeing in it a “violation of the rights of believers” and the use of symbols of the church “for other purposes.” He could be explored because of the prosecutor’s office a poster for the film Tannhauser, which depicts Jesus Christ crucified between the legs of women. Vladyka also reported that similar complaints sent to the Governor and the Legislative Assembly.
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