Thursday, February 26, 2015

black hole struck scientists – Dni.Ru

In the constellation of Pisces, astronomers found a giant black hole size of 12 billion times more sun. Its surrounding accretion disk (quasar) brighter than the Milky Way in the 40 thousand times.

The international team of astronomers has found the biggest black hole that existed in the early days of the universe. Its mass 12 billion times the mass of the sun. and the surrounding accretion disk it is the biggest and brightest quasar in the early epoch of the Universe. It is slightly smaller than the black hole at the center of NGC1277 our galaxy. That, presumably has a mass of 20 billion Suns.

“The discovery of such a bright quasar is a big mystery for theories describing the formation of black holes in the early universe. How supermassive black holes can grow so fast in a time when the universe was so young, how they interacted with the galaxy and the environment? we found a quasar is a unique laboratory to search for answers to these questions, “- said Syaohuey Fan of the University of Beijing in China.

The hole is located at a great distance from Earth, so light it was a quasar to us milliada 12.8 years. Now scientists observe it in such a way as it was in the days of the young universe. Now the scientists question is how quickly the black hole could grow to such epic proportions, RIA Novosti reported with reference to an article in the journal Nature. On the basis of modern growth theory of black holes, this simply could not happen. But it happened, and therefore requires further study.


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