It seems that the debate about the chicken and the egg can safely retire. He was replaced by another, in the literal sense of the word who split the network into pieces, the controversial question: what color dress in the photo – white or blue.
In social networks, in newspapers, in the news. Everywhere.
Vgorode decided to gather information about this dress.
How it all began
February 25 under the user’s nickname Swiked Tumblr blog published photos of the dresses with the question, what color: white with gold or blue and black. According to the girl, she argued about it with their friends. Probably this girl for this post cursed not less than one million times.
That’s the nightmare of uncertainty.
Says that the mistress
Portal BuzzFeed contacted the author of the original post, Caitlin McNeil, and she told me that in fact the blue dress. It was intended to be the mother of the bride at a wedding where Caitlin sang with his folk band. Disputes about the color of the dress in the picture began about a week before the celebration, but at the wedding doubts about this completely resolved.
Caitlin sent only one photo, and not the best quality that is questionable.
Supposedly from a wedding photo in this dress. Then blue.
What next
And then – millions of Controversy, commentary, “How zadolbalo this dress,” all sorts of memes and other goodness. In this dispute got involved even celebrities such as Taylor Swift, David Duchovny and Kim Kardashian. Swift says that the dress is black and blue, Kardashian says that white and gold, and spirituality in general saw a blue-green color.
So far, all arguing representative of the British brand Roman Originals, the online store which was presented similar dress, said that the entire stock from the warehouse was sold within an hour. Company to think seriously about how to release the dress in white and golden version. Perhaps we are dealing with a very cool advertising campaign of all time.
Quite by chance, yeah.
Why do people see the dress in different colors
Since then, as the world was divided into white and golden and blue-black, all trying to prove their case. In this case, better to turn to the scientific side.
For example, a scientist from Washington, Jay Neyts believes that all matter in the lens of the eyeball. It changes over time and affect the perception of colors. With age or fatigue resulting from sensitivity to blue drops. Some see a white and gold dress, the other – black and blue.
The ophthalmologist portal Mashable explained that white dress with gold stripes in this light. Human color perception depends on his individual view. Brain processes light waves of different lengths that fall on the retina, and color detection of light associated with the universal emotional reaction, so some people are able to see the white and gold colors even in the shade, while others see only blue and black.
Under the threat of hearing loss up to 30 years of age, there is more than one billion adolescents. The main culprit for this trend are the headphones, or rather their improper use. Already, WHO statistics nearly fifty million people to 35 years old, lose their hearing. Every year, this percentage is growing more and more. Information is provided by information portal “Club Industry Journalism«.
To start Dr. Etienne Krug offers to teach teenagers case, music on headphones less than an hour a day. It is important to talk about this issue in school, yet can make a difference. The fact that a person’s hearing over time to get used to loud noises, perceiving them as a norm. Once hearing adapts to the loud sounds of headphones, the user raises the bar for volume and over time this leads to the fact that a person does not perceive the softest sounds.
Scientists have made a graph showing how long it is safe to listen to music and at what volume .
A valid residence time in the headphones:
15-30dB – unlimited
30-50dB – 20h. 6h. 3-4ch.
50-80dB – 4h. 2h. 30 minutes.
80-100dB – 50-60min. 10min. 5 min.
In order to understand about the ratio of decibels to the sound daily, you can look at the infographic.
On the recommendation of WHO experts, the use of headphones should be limited. Considered safe listening no more than an hour on the volume to 60%. Knowing the psychology of adolescents, the WHO does not expect that they will take the recommendation seriously, so it was decided to reduce the force level of input sound directly to manufacturers of headphones. Previously, there was an attempt to influence the manufacturers, after which many players were equipped with volume limiter, but few people used them. WHO is now trying to make a crucial step – to ban the production of headphones, the sound level exceeds the safe.
Also, WHO proposes to prohibit loud music in public places, and to oblige the owners to buy earplugs that will be issued free of charge to visitors. How it will be hygienically still unknown, and we go to the cafe does not shut up, so that such services can not be a success. The most interesting thing that earplugs will offer and the clubs, the response to such innovation youth can be predicted accurately.
What headphones safer for hearing
Many argue that in-ear headphones, tightly closing the hearing aid – more dangerous, because they create strong vibration membrane. In part they are right, but in such a clear sound with headphones and you can not hear outside noise, so people rarely increases the volume above the allowed rate.
Headphones open type, do not create such pressure on the hearing aid, but miss the noise from the street or public transport. A man with such headphones forced all the time listening to music at maximum volume, which brings even greater harm than the ear headphones.
If you go back to the statistics, only twenty years ago, poor hearing complained only the elderly 70 years old, Now these patients are not more than 40 years.
2015-02-28 18:31 | Posted in Science and Technology
Roskosmos to take a final decision on the launch of a new cosmodrome “East” in the Amur region of the spacecraft “Soyuz”, which was developed in the 1960s and is now used for flights to the International Space Station. This is with reference to the head of the press service of the Joint Rocket and Space Corporation (ACCD) Mikhail Fadeev reported “News»
According to Fadeev, the first manned spacecraft to the launch of the “Eastern” “scheduled tentatively 2018.
Using the “Soyuz”, created in the 60′s of last century, with the participation of the father of Russian astronautics Sergei Korolev, somewhat at odds with the plans that were declared in 2007, when the decision build the East.
space rocket complex” Union “began designed in 1962, the OKB-1 ship of the Soviet program for flyby of the moon.
« cosmodrome” East “was conceived as a tool for high-tech development of the Far East , – lead” Izvestia “, the words of Andrei Ioannina, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Cosmonautics Tsiolkovsky. – P lanirovalsya international spaceport with new technologies. From this perspective, of course, a project to launch out good, but old equipment does not fit into the plan. Especially that the ship will be placed near Moscow, and the rocket in Samara ».
Recall that in the beginning of the year, the head of the Accounting Chamber Tatyana Golikova said that the construction of the cosmodrome” East “revealed the abuse of public funds for 13 billion. rubles. At the first stage of construction of the cosmodrome from the Russian budget allocated 81 billion rubles to build supporting infrastructure spaceport. Total for the construction of the spaceport will spend about 300 billion rubles.
Many people suffer from the so-called syndrome CFS (chronic fatigue syndrome). The symptoms of CFS are known to each of us – cramps, insomnia, fatigue, and headaches. It is because of the fact that CFS is progressing a number of studies have been conducted. As it turned out, CFS is biological in nature.
This experiment was carried out by many scientists from different countries of the world. That is why trust such results can and should be. By the way, the researchers promised that soon the disease will be diagnosed with the most elementary analysis of blood.
Copper Hornik, one of the scientists said that they had obtained special results, by means of which will be developed more rapid method for the treatment of CFS.
The experiment is meant by taking blood samples of 700 people and a thorough study of them. As a result, able to understand and figure out what the blood of people newly ill with CFS, contains a so-called cytokines, but in the blood of those who possess it for a long time, nothing like that has not been found.
Russian Ministry of Defense satellite successfully launched into the calculated orbit. As reported in the department, with the spacecraft to maintain a stable relationship, all onboard systems are operating normally.
The Russian Ministry of Defense satellite successfully launched into the calculated orbit. As reported in the department, with the spacecraft to maintain a stable relationship, all onboard systems are operating normally.
The satellite delivered into orbit launch vehicle “Soyuz-2.1a.” This is the first launch of a space rocket, conducted by troops Aerospace Defense this year from the Plesetsk cosmodrome.
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WORLD h dravoohraneniya the UN is concerned about the global problem by hearing loss in young people. According to WHO, to date from partial hearing loss suffer 43 million people in the age group from 12 to 35 years.
This is still more than a billion adolescents and young people in the world are at risk damage itself ear. Mass problem stems from the fact that young people are listening to music at high volume settings, and more than an hour a day, says «The Washington Post».
In addition, the high-income countries risks increase – here people listen to music without headphones only, but also at concerts and in nightclubs. In this regard, WHO experts do not recommend listening to music on a volume of 85 dB and more.
have also been developed tips to help save a good ear to old age . Physicians are advised to maintain a healthy lifestyle, to monitor their health, protect your hearing from loud sounds, as well as adhere to a number of other measures.
Roscosmos decided to use to launch a new cosmodrome “East” technique Soviet times. So from the cosmodrome in the Amur region will be launched spacecraft “Soyuz”, which was created in the 1960s. To date, the unit is used for flights to the ISS.
The head of the press service of the Joint Rocket and Space Corporation Mikhail Fadeev said that the launch of the first manned spacecraft to the “East” is scheduled for 2018 , the newspaper “Izvestia”. It will be done with the help of the “Soyuz”. A platform for the launch will be under construction starting complex, with the first launch will take place in December 2015.
Roscosmos previously noted that the use of new spacecraft is necessary to build a new launch pad. Nevertheless, the Federal Space Agency plans for the years 2016-2025 is a project to create a new launcher «Soyuz-5» . Its peculiarity is that it will work on compressed natural gas.
World Organization of Health advises the sake of hearing protection to limit listening to loud music with headphones to an hour a day. People aged 12 to 35 at risk of seriously disrupt the hearing due to loud music.
In the main risk group are regulars rock concerts and clubs, as well as people with middle and high income who are able to listen to music on headphones. According to recent reports 43 million people under 30 already have hearing damage, and this figure is growing.
According to the WHO, dangerous for the hearing is prolonged listening to music on a volume of 85 dB or more and only 15 minutes by volume of 100 dB .
On this issue, the population almost nothing is known, for portable players with quality and loud music were not so long ago. “We are trying to attract public attention to this problem, then the problem can be easily overcome,” – said Dr. Etienne Krug.
A few tips to help protect your hearing:
1. Devices installed on 60 percent of maximum volume
2. If you often have to use public transport – use vacuum headphones, they will help drown out the noise of the street and you do not have to increase the volume of the music.
3. If you regularly attend concerts or clubs – try to stay away from the speakers.
For the sake of hearing protection should be limited to listening to music one hour a day, says the new rekomenditsii the World Health Organization.
According to this estimate, 1.1 billion adolescents and young people the world at risk of hearing damage yourself, listening to music more than an hour on the volume too high.
WHO data show that 43 million people in the age group 12-35 years suffer partial loss of hearing, and their number is growing.
In this age group, said in a report, half of the people from rich countries and countries with an average level of per capita income puts herself in danger by listening to excessively loud music.
40% of them also face the risk of loud music in clubs and bars.
In the US, the number of adolescents with hearing impairment increased from 3.5% in 1994 to 5.3% in 2006.
Dr Etienne Krug, Director of WHO’s injury prevention, said that the restriction on hearing loud music in an hour day is just the beginning.
“We aim to draw public attention to the problem, about which little is known. Loud music can lead to a significant loss of hearing, but it is easy to prevent, “- said circle.
He said that an hour a day – it’s indicative guidelines designed for those who” listens to mp3-player with headphones 10 hours a day “.
safe volume level of sound
From vuvuzelas better to stay away
It is known that the higher the volume, the faster it damages hearing.
WHO guidelines on safe volume
85dB – the sound level inside the car – eight o’clock
90 dB – lawnmower – 2 hours 30 minutes
95 dB – the average motorcycle – 47 minutes
100 dB – car alarm or subway car – 15 minutes
105 dB – a portable player at maximum volume – four minutes
115 dB – rock Concert – 28 seconds
120 dB – air raid sirens, vuvuzela – 9 seconds
The WHO recommends to put the volume on the mark 60% on all devices.
She also advises using special Isolating Earphones those consumers who have to travel a lot on the train or fly in an airplane and which jammed background sound loud music.
The report WHO also states that in areas where the noise level is particularly high, you should use earplugs “earplugs”; they should also take breaks while listening to music, and during concerts to stay away from the speakers.
Many rock musicians suffer from chronic deafness
The WHO report calls for governments and manufacturers to take responsibility for limiting the damage caused by loud noises too.
It says that clubs and pubs should have a room with low sound pollution and provide visitors free earplugs, headphones manufacturers must limit their volume, and power to impose stricter laws to protect public health.
Construction of high-tech cosmodrome in the Far East is nearing completion, but it will take off with no new spaceships, and the good old “Union”. We found that inhibits the development of space industry and talked with experts about the future of space exploration
Photo: Michael Japaridze / TASS
The construction of the cosmodrome “East” in the Far East is nearing completion, reported in its Facebook Deputy Prime Minister Viktor Rogozin. Baikonur, which is being built near the village of Uglegorsk in the Amur region, should, in accordance with plans to become a completely new high-tech platform, which will allow our planet to communicate with the cosmos, as well as conduct research and testing on the ground. On the backlog of work reported more than once today for completion is shifted by a few months.
The first launch of the carrier rocket, on a plan, to be held in 2015? – If you have time to finish everything, because to pass the object in time Vladimir Putin promised in 2007. A 2018 plan to launch the first manned spacecraft. It is interesting that this ship will be no new modern apparatus, under which built a new playground, and designed in the 60-ies “Soyuz” – and to this day such devices deliver astronauts to the ISS.
Case that the use of the “Union”, which was designed with the participation of the founder of Soviet cosmonautics Sergei Korolev, at odds with the plans that were announced in 2007, when the decision on the construction of the cosmodrome “East”. Then the head of Roskosmos Anatoly Perminov explained the meaning of the idea of building a new cosmodrome “When we begin to build new spaceships, we need a new launch vehicle for them, and then raise the question of building a new launching pad.” In this context, the idea submitted to Vladimir Putin, and then allocated the first 24.7 billion rubles. “East” will be the first national spaceport civil use and will serve the new manned transport system and interplanetary complexes “- then said the president.
In order to avoid the traditional Russian” delays “in the decree had been prescribed a clear time frame: in 2015 from the Baikonur should start first rocket with the satellite, and in 2018 will take place the first manned flight.
Installation of the vapor ring spaceport “East”. Photo: Vladimir Smirnov / TASS
Today, building on the “East” goes the clock, but behind schedule is a few months. The launch seems to have moved to the next year.
In the Russian Space Agency has no choice than to fly in 2018 – there is only the “Soyuz-2″. New manned transport ship (PTC) had to build back to 2014, but in the end it will be no earlier than 2021. A first start with PTC astronaut scheduled for 2024. Then when all the same start using boosters newest family “Angara” Roskosmos not specified. But noted that the prospects for the development of manned transport complex Roskosmos will be ready to discuss after the approval of the concept in the government and the inclusion of this project in the Federal Space Program for 2015-2025 years.
The press service of the Russian Space Agency reported that when deciding on the construction of the “Eastern” the following objectives: ensuring independent access to space from Russia across the full spectrum of space missions; guarantee the conservation of the domestic space infrastructure in case of emergencies; load redistribution spacecraft launch from Baikonur existing, Plesetsk, clear. By the way, today Russia pays Kazakhstan for rent cosmodrome “Baikonur” 115 million dollars a year.
In the Russian Space Agency said that after putting all of the facilities “East” will be able to provide a full range of services for all types of space launches spacecraft, space modules, manned space vehicles and cargo ships, space stations. Today, the construction of the cosmodrome the Federal Agency “Spetsstroy Russia.” Commissioning of the first phase is scheduled for the end of 2015, noted in the department, without specifying information about the delay.
We talked to a member of the Russian Academy of Cosmonautics Tsiolkovsky Andrew, son of John of Will implement its plans at the cosmodrome “East” and when the first shuttle boat with tourists fly into orbit.
The construction of the “East.” What do you think about this project? How is it different from “Baikonur»?
Andrew, son of John : I was in the group of experts, which justified the creation of the spaceport in 2007. It was then laid the basic idea Baikonur « East » – this is not a replacement for “Baikonur”, as some people try to present it, and not to give Russia access space, because this problem is solved by the cosmodrome “Plesetsk”. This launch site was originally conceived as a point of high-tech growth for the Russian Far East and Siberia that part, which is north of the Far East. Baikonur – very convenient design that allows the state to invest heavily not just in infrastructure – roads, airports – and in high-tech infrastructure. And since high-tech infrastructure, the work and there will be people of high qualification, with a certain level of education, knowledge, skills. It was assumed that the production of space technology, which will be launched from Baikonur, will also be carried out in the Far East, but not in the European part of Russia, as it is now. Should appear around innovation centers, that is, it will be a high-tech cluster, which will be developed not only space-based technologies that will shape the future of the cosmos, the same robots, biotechnology, energy, environment and so on.
Now, unfortunately, we hear from the Baikonur launch will definitely gorgeous missiles that proved this in the past half century, but also by Sergei Korolev and his team in the 60s – it is surprising. It is surprising and the city that is built there. Construction was entrusted to Roskosmos, and he is interested in the development of the budget, so the main funds were not in the high-tech development in the Far East and even in the space industry, and in concrete, construction sites and so on. I understand the situation that has developed now. But I still hope that everyone realizes that we do not build another Russian spaceport, and develop the Far East, where they will live young professionals who will develop a variety of high-tech, not just space. This should become an international spaceport, a point of attraction not only for Russia but also for all countries in the Asia-Pacific region.
If you look at the situation soberly, plans to develop the region, which envisaged – is whether or not we see?
, son of John Andrew : I am an optimist and here I am absolutely subjective, because I was with a group of his friends argued that the spaceport, so I think that – to paraphrase Bulgakov – right thoughts do not burn. Those, in my opinion, absolutely correct ideas that were laid out in the proposal for the president to launch site has been opened, still prevail, because they are the only correct ones. Of course, this will not be easy, as any fighting inertia ossified structures with people. Will not be easy, but these thoughts, these proposals continue to punch as actively as it did in 2007.
What can you say about the new manned transport spacecraft?
, son of John Andrew : Projects lot. A group of enthusiasts in various companies developing them. I’m not going to even choose from them, analyze. It is clear that the new ships should be developed, at least to the designers have honed their skills, and young people who come to the space industry, it was interesting, because very few people interested to continue to operate or modify the product, which 50-60 years, despite the All its effectiveness, genius, covered with glory and myths. Now came another phase of space exploration, and the technologies that have been the main drivers and have been industry development – rocket science, thermodynamics, control systems, ballistics, which were the main scientific and technical direction in the 50-60s, now the drivers are not industry and it is unlikely you can achieve some success. Space – is a complex industry, it brings together a lot. Even to fly and live on the Moon, on Mars, in fact, come to the fore very different technologies: the technologies that are truly the most advanced, most modern, in which both the state and business can earn big profits and the state – to ensure technological leadership of the country. This technology, robot-related, biogenic technology, technology related to the processing of waste, the same 3D-printing. These technologies are the most advanced, they will be the key to a new phase of space exploration. If the space program will remain in the framework of the technologies that have been created in 50-60 years, it will become just not interesting – neither youth nor the state.
A few years ago in the United States built a spaceport with the calculation, that there will fly spaceships in order to simply fly into space on a tour, look at the stars …
, son of John Andrew : Of course, I heard about it. Virgin Galactic – a very interesting project, the designer of the ship Burt Rutan – a man of genius. Unfortunately, all of the broken prose market because it is one thing – this is a brilliant design that really allowed to bring with small aerospace means a ship above the limits of the atmosphere, but quite another matter when you go to the business. In this case, to business people to launch above the limits of the atmosphere, so that they’re able to spend a few minutes of weightlessness and see the stars. When you talk about the business, you are covered by very strict laws about the safety of consumers. Are flying professional astronauts who know what they are going to prepare for this for a long time and who fly on specially designed tools that ensure their salvation and safety at various parts of the flight, that really realized that the “Soyuz”. At each stage of the flight there are special techniques that ensure the safety of a small but professional crew. Here we see a system that is designed to run untrained people, and in which, unfortunately, as the recent accident of Virgin, not even the most basic means of escape for crew members even, let alone tourists. Therefore, the prospects for this project, I now appreciate how pessimistic, it is related to the fact that the concept can not be implemented mass tourism business – extremely high risk. How to ensure the reduction of these risks? Estimated Virgin Galactic, it is necessary to improve the reliability of its aerospace means not even an order of magnitude, and three orders of magnitude to reach the safety requirements for the tourism industry. Had offers from Virgin to change US law precisely for such innovative space projects and reduce the requirements for the safety of people. But I think that before this position seemed utopian, but now, after the accident, which occurred a few months ago, I think it is almost impossible. This project I appreciate, of course, as a genius in terms of technology, but genius is not enough to reach the mass market.
The head of Virgin Galactic confident that the project will not be closed, despite the collapse of space tourism spacecraft SpaceShip Two in November 2014. Indeed, the development goes, and in the future space tourism could become a reality?
Andrew, son of John : Of course, yes, but I think the concept will have to be reversed. If we talk about tourism, a mass unprofessional access to space, it is necessary to think about security, and in all areas of flight – from the moment of landing people in space system until they landed. This is a whole set of complex technical solutions, which is probably more difficult to own launch vehicles. I say this professionally, because I was doing at the time of such systems for the Soviet system. These were on the “Shuttle”, the same technical solutions are provided on a set of “Soyuz” rocket and “Union”. Such solutions are, and we know that in the Soviet space program, they have repeatedly allowed to save the crew. We know how dangerous it is, because the two “Space Shuttle” were killed in different situations. In the transition to mass tourism it is clear that it is coming to the fore, and as in the current level of technology to solve, I do not know. Probably, sooner or later, people will decide this, but on a different level of technology.