Thursday, February 9, 2017

Russian scientists have slowed the aging of cells with the help of the sleep hormone – RIA Novosti


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MOSCOW, February 9 — RIA Novosti. Biologists from the Institute of theoretical and experimental Biophysics RAS found a way to slow the aging process by restoring normal operation “power plants” of cells with the hormone melatonin, according to a paper published in the journal Biochimica et Biophysica Acta.

“In our experiments on mitochondria isolated from rat liver, we showed that prolonged use of melatonin promotes the closure of pores in the mitochondria and prevents the escape of the enzymes. Continuous administration of melatonin, even in old animals improves mitochondrial function” — say the scientists, whose words the press service of ITEB RAS.

a Key role in the aging process play mitochondria, the “power plants” of cells, have their own DNA. When they do not cope with their functions in the cells is caused by a chronic lack of “Energobalance”, ATP molecules, which leads to senile diseases such as Alzheimer’s and diabetes. Until now it was believed that these diseases arise due to mutations in the mitochondrial DNA, which can not be reversed.

Olga krestinina from the Institute of theoretical and experimental Biophysics in Pushchino and colleagues at the Institute found that this process is not associated with mutations and disorders in the pores of the mitochondria, and realized that it can be slowed down with one of the main hormones of the body — melatonin.

Melatonin regulates the daily routine of humans and other living beings, responsible for the onset of sleep and awakening. In addition, melatonin is a strong antioxidant that can neutralize the aggressive molecules within cells. The main source and the “recipient” melatonin is the brain, but recent experiments show that this hormone is produced in other parts of the body.

krestinina and her colleagues drew attention to a well-known property of melatonin: its concentration in the human body with age gradually reduced, in particular, explains why the elderly do not sleep as much as young people. This simple idea led scientists to test how to change the behavior of young and aged mitochondria with increasing concentrations of this hormone.

As explained by biologists, with age, the “power plants” of cells become more “leaky” — they are pores through which mitochondria are leaving the “extra” calcium ions build up inside them due to the fact that older mitochondria worse cope with stress and the emergence of aggressive molecules within its limits. This process eventually leads to the destruction of mitochondria, and triggering the suicide program of the cell.

Russian scientists have suggested that the process can be slowed down, if delivered to the mitochondria of a substance which would suppress the aggressive molecules and normalized the level of ions inside them. The role of such a substance they chose melatonin, suggesting that the decrease of its concentration in old age can all cause or at least part of the problems associated with the mitochondria.

As shown by experiments on the cells of rats and older animals, the addition of melatonin actually protects the mitochondria from the “flow” and keeps within them are critical enzymes responsible for cycle of the Assembly of ATP molecules inside the mitochondria and prevents the appearance of “junk” molecules that interfere with migration of ions. As a result of mitochondria “swells” and died much slower than in a normal situation.

© Photo: Tom Ellenberger, Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis

according to the press service, the work of scientists from the ITEB is only a small part of a project aimed at the development of drugs acting on mitochondria. These drugs will help to fight heart disease, liver and will become one of the components for cancer funds, but will also help people to overcome the consequences of old age and stress.


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