Wednesday, August 3, 2016

US allowed the first ever private flight to the moon – RBC

Illustration robotic lander Moon Express MX-1 on the surface of the Moon, which is going to send in 2017

Photos: Moon Express / Global Look Press

The American Moon Express has become the world’s first private company to receive permission to perform the flight beyond earth’s orbit. The company in 2017 to send a robotic lander to the Moon

The American company Moon Express received government approval in 2017 to send a robotic lander to the moon, said company founder Bob Richards. Moon Express will be the world’s first privately owned company, which was allowed to fly beyond Earth’s orbit.

According to Richards said that permission was granted on the basis of extensive consultations of his company with the Federal Aviation Administration (authority which issued the authorization) , Department of State, NASA and other federal agencies. The mission is designed for two weeks. The device takes the moon commercial goods, including cremated human remains, as well as conduct several scientific experiments and make video and pictures.

As noted to Reuters, the FAA will form the legal framework for commercial expeditions the Moon, asteroids and Mars. The US authorities are responsible for the observance of their non-state companies, operates flights into space, the intergovernmental Space Treaty of 1967.

Other private companies are planning to get the appropriate permissions in the near future. In particular, the founder of the American company SpaceX Elon Mask intends to launch in 2018 a spaceship to Mars. In February, the Luxembourg government has announced its intention to attract investors to the new program for the development of space-natural resources, in particular minerals on asteroids located between the Moon and Mars. Luxembourg was the first country to launch a similar program. Interest in participating in this program have already expressed US company Planetary Resources and Deep Space Industries, which develops technologies for the exploitation of the resources of asteroids.


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