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MOSCOW, August 19 -. RIA Novosti Rosobrnadzor by the decision of the Arbitration Court revoked the license Ostankino Institute of TV and radio broadcasting and has two universities, according to the website department
“on the basis of the decision of the Arbitration Court by order Rosobrnadzor terminated the license: GAOU IN Tyumen region” Tyumen state Academy of world economy, management and Law. “; LEU “Institute Ostankino television and radio broadcasting”; NOU VPO “Academy of Civil Protection and Disaster Medicine”, – said in a statement.
In addition, the agency is fully suspended the state accreditation of the five branches of private universities, including, for example, the Kaliningrad branch of the IN ANO “the International University in Moscow.” Also, for non-performance requirements in a timely Rosobrnadzor prohibited admission to five private universities.
The license to conduct educational activities of the university issued Rosobrnadzor and reaffirms their right to provide services for the implementation of educational programs. In case of cancellation of the institution is obliged to stop the educational activity.
In case of suspension or withdrawal of the accreditation of the institution of state action can still conduct educational activities and provide documents of their own sample. This institution can not issue diplomas established the Ministry of Education of Russia and the sample to ensure students a reprieve from service in the Armed Forces at the call.
Admission to the educational organization shall be prohibited in the event of default Rosobrnadzor regulations. The ban on the reception of students does not impose other restrictions on the educational activity of high school.
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