Many believe that the release goldfish into the river ?? harmless trifle. But the reality is terrible ?? cute fish can grow the size of a soccer ball and oppress the native species.
Researchers from Murdoch University (Australia) followed goldfish in Vass River in the southwest of Western Australia for 12 years. They found that invasive species harms the local fish and the surrounding ecosystem. Stephen Beatty and his colleagues spent a year studying the little-known behavioral patterns of goldfish in the wild.
© Murdoch University
Beatty reported that a study conducted iz a sharp jump in the number of aquatic species that are in Vass river over the past 15 years. “Thank you” for the distribution of the fish have to say to people who let go of the former pets in ponds and rivers.
Goldfish are omnivorous in nature and their eating habits can become destructive. They reduce the quality of the water, shaking the sediment on the river bottom, dig up the plants and eat all that deem appropriate. including fish-Aboriginal eggs.
Moreover, goldfish are competing for space and resources with native species and the spread of disease.
And the most striking fact ?? huge size, that cute goldfish reach in nature, and their ability to travel long distances. One specimen, which was found scientists who weighed 1.9 kg and was equal to the size of a soccer ball, the other did a marathon of 230 km per year.
How do I remove the goldfish from the rivers? Methods include catching nets and electrofishing fish, but with invasive species will suffer and local. The best thing ?? just do not let aquarium fish to freedom.
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