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The US military May 23, 1967 lost touch with radars in the northern hemisphere, which were to monitor the approach of Soviet missiles. Any attack on these radars had to be regarded as an act of aggression.
US Air Force USSR suspected of hostile action and began to prepare to fly planes with nuclear warheads. The state of readiness were given additional powers.
Fortunately, military meteorologists time provided information on the unfolding of the geomagnetic storm that could bring radar equipment failure. This prevented the conflict that could lead to a global catastrophe, the study authors suggest.Geomagnetic storm began after 40 hours after a solar flare, were withdrawn from the system radars in Alaska, Greenland and Britain. The consequences of the storm were felt for about a week.
Details of the incident told retired US Air Force officer. The research is led by Professor Delores Knipp, astrophysics from the University of Colorado.
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