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MOSCOW, Aug. 13 -. RIA Novosti Researchers at NASA have discovered two dwarf galaxies, move out of the zone of space vacuum in the region of intergalactic gas, It said in a message posted on the site office.
Astronomers have found 30 to 50 clusters, which, according to scientists, can be galaxies. Most of them are hydrogen accumulation. For further study, astronomers selected 15 anomalies, among which were named “Fish A and B” (Pisces A and B). They are approximately 19 and 30 million light-years from Earth. Each galaxy contains from 20 to 30 blue stars. This proves that the galaxies are very young, and their age is estimated at less than 100 million years.
The observations by telescope “Hubble” shows that galaxy, called “Fish and B” most of its existence, held in empty space, free from clusters of galaxies and stars. The observed galaxy composed, according to the calculations of researchers, just 10 million stars.
Under the influence of gravity, they moved to the intergalactic gas accumulations. The process of star birth in these areas can be started under the influence of the gas. However, the “fish” for a long time were in the space of emptiness, which could slow down the process of their evolution, the researchers note. In addition, galaxies are quite small compared to the star-forming galaxies. They are a kind of building blocks with which a few billion years ago formed the major galactic system. The process of star formation may slow down if they become satellites of a large galaxy, the report says.
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