Thursday, August 4, 2016

Fano will be entitled to classify the development of Russian scientists – RBC

Photo: Lori

The federal agency research organizations will have the right to classify information scientific developments in the military sphere, and any developments in science that can be used to create new products and technologies

The federal agency research organizations (Fano) asked the president the right to refer to the state secret scientific developments of the entrusted agency institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences, as well as attached to it of the Russian Academy of medical Sciences and the Russian Academy of Agricultural. Just right to refer to the number of secret development suggested to endow the head Fano (now Michael Kotyukov). A draft presidential decree designed Fano, published on Wednesday, August 3, at the portal of draft legislation.

Fano requests to include it in the list of organizations entitled to dispose of sensitive information. These agencies authorized to refer to state secret or another category of information mentioned in the presidential decree, which also defines the category of information to be classified. For the first time a list of such information and departments has been defined by President Boris Yeltsin in 1995 and has since been extended several times. Head Fano, according to the project agencies should be included in the presidential decree, which lists the officials authorized to classify information at the disposal of their departments, they are personally responsible for the recognition of the secret information that follows from the law on state secrets. This law allows to classify information and, accordingly, to limit their spread from the moment of their preparation, and advance.

In general Fano intends to classify information about scientific developments in the military field, follows from the President’s draft decree. This, in particular, on the results of work on the creation and modernization of weapons, information on previous work in the field of weapons of mass destruction, information about performance state defense order, the achievements of science and technology in military, dual-use technologies, expenditure on research and development to create arms, etc. But in addition, Fano able to rank as state secrets and forecasts of scientific and technological progress in areas decisive defense of the State, information about the foreign policy and Russia’s foreign trade and data on the achievements of science, “which can be used in the creation of innovative products, processes in various sectors of the economy “, follows from the project.

The basis for the preparation of the document, as stated in the explanatory memorandum to the draft decree, became commission president from June 11, 2016 (in the public domain is not available, RBC did not find it nor on the Kremlin website, nor portal). Presidential press secretary, Dmitry Peskov, was not able to provide you with comments.

Problems with licenses

The reason for the development of a document served by having many subordinate Fano organizations problem with getting licenses for work with information constituting a state secret, the agency says. Research and work in the interests of defense and security of the state performs a significant part entrusted Fano organizations noted in the explanatory note. From 2013 to obtain licenses to work with classified information, they should receive a confirmation degree information privacy, which are going to work. But Fano has no such authority. A spokesman Fano says Agency “had to go to various ministries and departments, depending on the specifics of the receipt confirmation of the degree of secrecy.” Because of this, there have been problems that weighed down “the territorial remoteness of the applicants, resulting in loss of money and time.” If the order is changed, the research organizations will be able to “centrally contact the Fano Russia, which ultimately make it easier for subordinated Fano organizations, the procedure for obtaining the necessary licenses,” the interlocutor of RBC said.

The new powers will also allow Fano “to ensure the protection of the results research in promising high-tech areas of science and technology, which in principle can relate to information constituting a state secret, “said in a memorandum to the draft decree. Now, according to the position of Fano, with no authority to dispose of sensitive information, it still must protect state secrets within their competence and coordinate protection in subordinate organizations.

If prepared Fano project will be signed by the president, the agency along with other authorities will be able to deny ownership of any information, enterprises, institutions, organizations and all citizens should be the law on state secrets. Material damage caused by classifying such information should be compensated by the state. Instead, the former owner of the information must promise not to spread secret information – the right to dispose of it gets the authority that her secret list, mentioned in the law. A citizen or business can appeal to the Court of classifying their information, and refuse to sign an agreement on the transfer of power of ownership of the information, but will still be warned about the responsibility for its distribution. The Russian authorities may not prohibit disseminate only the information that is lawfully obtained by foreign companies and nationals of other states, according to the law.

Most of the information, to dispose of that is going to Fano, has entrusted close Scientist of the Ministry of Education and Science, can be seen from the current president’s decree. Get a comment Ministry of Education at the time of publication could not.

«What secrets?»

According to lead researcher of the Institute of Applied Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences Vyacheslav Vdovin, there are lists of the various ministries and departments, which indicated what development in a particular area be considered confidential. The research organizations work experts, as a rule, under the control of the deputy director for science, lists who know their field. “For example, in one of the lists, it is written that all the technology related to the separation of uranium isotopes, – a secret. Experts read a scientific article or a report of the Institute and signed by the expert report, which notes make up whether the information a state secret or not, “- said Vdovin. If the experts applied the neck, then, for example, the article will be published in the Journal of the secret, and the scientific report transmitted by feldsvyazi. “In general, all research, secret or not, are carried out by request of some ministries or agencies, which are responsible for the secrecy of these works. Fano we had no orders. All the fundamental research program supervised by the RAS, military and nuclear specialists supervise their own. It is not clear that Fano will be secret “, -. Special department for over secret control – surprised interlocutor

In some institutions, which operate successor to the Soviet development of space, military and nuclear programs, so analogues of the” first division “long run information. But most of the institutions whose development does not constitute a state secret, they do not exist, he says, and a Moscow research institutes

Vdovin fears that the decision on the award of the neck may be incompetent if they will accept Fano.: Now some of the specialized units of the agency there. “And in the explanatory note says that the changes do not require additional investments. But I have to also hire special people! To provide their specialized facilities, special office equipment “- he argues. In addition, said Vdovin, the transfer of such functions Fano against the principle of separation of functions and the RAS Fano, which was founded in the reform of the Academy of Sciences (Fano is responsible for economic and financial activities of subordinate structures, and RAS and the Ministry of Education – for scientific). “Fano was created under the flag, it is necessary to relieve researchers from having to deal with the economy and to do science. And then they start to get into our science, to decide what is in it a secret that is no secret. I would not want to give these powers accountants “, – says Vdovin.


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