MOSCOW, 11 August. / TASS /. The peak of the Perseid meteor shower activity will have on 12-13 August, according to the forecasts of the International Meteor Organization, this year is expected to 150 meteors per hour. According to the Moscow Planetarium, Muscovites, as well as other residents of the Northern Hemisphere, will be able to admire the starry rain, weather permitting.
According to the Hydrometeorological Center of Russia, the upcoming night will be cloudy weather with clearings, so that the gaps clouds you will notice a falling star. “However, on Saturday night the sky is completely zavolokut clouds, and enjoy the beautiful sight not work”, – said the representative of meteorological
The brightest meteor shower
Perseids appear in the sky is usually from 17 July. 24 August. Meteor showers are strictly repeated a year later because the Earth’s orbit and the flow has continued the intersection of with each other. Perseid activity from year to year is not constant. Periodic comet closer to Earth traces accompanied by increased activity of the Perseids.
The last time this happened in 2004 and 2009. The following bursts
the flow of activity to be held in 2016 and 2028 respectively. This year is expected to increase the activity of the Perseids. Astronomers attributed its gravitational influence of Jupiter. This surge in the Perseid activity occurs every 11-12 years. According to forecasts, this year it is expected to August 12 at 15:40 MSK to 150-160 meteors per hour
In addition, the cause of maximum bursts will be closer to Earth with two loops comet progenitor of the Perseids -. Svifta- . Tuttle
“The first caused a train of a comet, 1862, is expected on August 12 at 01:34 MSK, the second – 12 August at 02:23 MSK, it is caused by a loop of the comet in 1479 during these hours it is expected to surge. 140-150 meteors per hour, “- explained in the planetarium
How to observe the Perseids
Perseid meteors are very bright and clearly visible in a dark sky.. Watch the flow of the best away from city lights, then there is a chance to see many more faint meteors. To observe the meteor shower does not need any astronomical devices, so enjoy the starry summer spectacle can be anyone.
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