Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Rosatom introduced the first domestic industrial 3D-printer for metal – REGNUM

Ekaterinburg, July 12, 2016, 16:52 – REGNUM The first domestic industrial 3D-printer to the size of the working chamber for metal products 550 × 550 is represented by the state Corporation “Rosatom” on an industrial exhibition “Innoprom-2016″ held in Yekaterinburg. The device and software for it are completely domestic development. With the mass production of 3D-printers on metal powders domestic industry will be able to move to a new stage – the digital production, covering the entire cycle, from design to the finished product

The head sample of 3D-printers created by experts of the State Scientific Center of the Russian Federation. JSC “TSNIITMASH” (included in the Engineering division of Rosatom – JSC “Atomenergomash”) together with the scientific division of Rosatom (JSC “Science and Innovation”). The device is equipped with a laser power of 1000 W and a three-axis scanning optical system. Predictive print speed of 15 to 70 cubic cm / hour, which corresponds to the characteristics of imported counterparts.

«Work on this project allows maximum use of the scientific potential of the division and provides a solid basis for the further development of not only our company, but also all the machinery sector, – said General Director of JSC “Atomenergomash” Andrew Nikipelov. – In the future development direction of 3D-printing of metal products should significantly reduce the cost, time and production as a whole will increase the competitiveness of Russian companies on the global market. ”

«Printing of 3D-printers in different objects using layer-building – the so-called additive technology that we are developing at Rosatom on an industrial scale. Additive technologies make the production of complex-and critical parts more cheaply, improve quality characteristics of products and the competitive capacity of the enterprise as a whole “, – said the first deputy general director of JSC” Science and Innovation “Alexei Oak

The printer uses a method of layering selective. laser melting (SLM), a feedstock metal-based powders used are iron, titanium, aluminum, nickel, cobalt and the like. d. “for the powders of uniform layers have to meet certain requirements of the sphericity and flowability. Then the stacked compact particles in a given volume and provide the required fluidity. The smaller the particles, the smaller step of the construction can be set and will be worked out so strikingly small elements. Fortunately suitable powders already available in Russia, so depending on the supplies we will not “- said Deputy Director of the Institute of Technology and the surface of nanomaterials TSNIITMASH for planning and production work Eugene Tretyakov.

All of the software for the domestic printer has also been developed by experts TSNIITMASH. Digital 3D-model is created in the computer-aided design, and then passes the transformation to obtain a working file. Own software allows you to fully solve the issues related to information security, industrial espionage, the possibility of unauthorized data.

Currently, the printer operates in semi-automatic mode, is testing of different systems, being the selection of the optimal parameters of the functioning of the executive device nodes . Until the end, all of the current R & D must be completed, after which will be obtained characteristics printed on the printer of products from different materials, confirmed by the results of research. Production of powders of complex composition, developing a program of research and the creation of regulatory support busy institutes of the Science Division – Giredmet and ARRICT. Furthermore, a period of mass production. With the installation of a pilot sample on hand, Rosatom specialists have the opportunity to work more actively with potential customers in the framework of the further development of technology. This printer will cost much cheaper than foreign cars. The price of similar imported devices in the basic version is about 100 million rubles, the domestic car will cost half the price.

Three-dimensional printing of metal significantly reduces industrial waste, increases production reliability. The method is more profitable traditional production also because the time for research and development, production of prototypes and products themselves spent an order of magnitude, and the products are of quality and strength is not inferior, and in some cases surpasses analogues, such as injection-molded parts such as complex shape.

currently, major Russian and foreign companies actively introduce additive technologies in production processes. Thus, Boeing with the help of 3D-printing annually produces more than 22 thousand. 300 kinds of parts for military and civil aircraft. The General Electric earlier noted that in 10 years half of the parts will be produced by 3D-printing. Overall, according to expert estimates the global market for additive technology and everything connected with them (service component), in the coming years will exceed 12 billion dollars.

Read earlier this story: Yekaterinburg starts “Innoprom 2016»

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