It looks like about flying to the moon, and even more so on other planets humanity will have to forget, as long as it can not cope with health problems, which are put in front of people going beyond the Earth’s magnetosphere, which protects them from cosmic radiation. And if somehow endure and possibly compensate caused space problems with vision or, let us say, with the bones is somehow possible, but now it turns out that people departing for earthly limits, pursue a very serious heart problems, and this is not a joke .
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About this danger speaks study conducted by US scientists, for the first time to analyze the reasons for American astronauts die.
The results of their work, scientists have stated in an article published in the latest issue of the journal Scientific Reports .
In the study the authors have tried to understand what and whether different causes of death are different astronauts who visited in low orbits, the people have never been to space, and members of the “Apollo” program – the only people departing from the Earth outside the magnetosphere. “Apollo” program operated from 1961 to 1972, from 1968 to 1972 to the Moon sent 11 manned missions in the course of these nine astronauts leave the Earth orbit. The main success of the program was the first human landing on the lunar surface in 1969.
The study examined the different possible causes of death -. From cardiovascular disease (CVD), cancer, etc. The death rate from cancer in all three. astronauts categories was the same as, indeed, from all other causes, except for the GCC. It was found that if the first two categories of astronauts mortality from cardiovascular disease was almost the same (9 and 11%, respectively),
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the members of “Apollo” mission, it was significantly higher and amounted to 43% at the time of analysis.
It is known that 24 astronauts to fly to the moon, to this day not lived eight, but one of the dead astronauts – Edgar Mitchell – was not included in the sample, since he died after holding research in February 2016.
The authors suggested that disturbances of cardiovascular activity caused by the combined action of the body radiation and weightlessness, which can lead to a weakening of the arterial wall. To understand in more detail the mechanisms that lead to such violations, they set up an experiment on mice. The mice were subjected to prolonged exposure to the radiation of the type suffered by “apollonovtsy” during their flight, while creating the conditions for them, reduce musculoskeletal strain, as it happens in deep space. Six months later, most of these mice were found damaged blood vessels, which in humans leads to the development of atherosclerosis
<-.! Place 7848281, / science / 2015/10 / 28_a_7848281.shtml, nm2015 / v2 / article / incut, incut3_link ->
Six months mouse corresponds to about 20 years of life in humans. In other words, the risk of CVD in astronauts is not immediately and is long-lasting, affecting the state of health after many years. Perhaps for this reason, the complications of this sort, doctors did not pay attention. In fact, the desire to attract the attention of specialists is to this sort of risk was the main purpose of the study’s authors.
«We know very little about the effect of radiation in deep space on human health, in particular in its vascular system, – says one of the study’s authors, Michael Delp, a professor at Florida State University. – Our work gave the first hints of what kind of damage can cause a person Exposure to these conditions
These experiments in mice tell us that the harm that deep space causes. vessels, quite noticeable. »
currently, professor Delp leads NASA talks about further medical examination of all members of the” Apollo program “. The account of this risk, the authors say, is especially important now, when the “space” of the nation develop flight plans on Mars and on the moon.
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