Thursday, July 14, 2016

545 years ago there was a famous battle between Moscow and Novgorod – BBC

The history of Moscow and Novgorod opposition holds a special place in the history of our country. These two principalities were competing among themselves for the right to possess the political, economic and religious supremacy in Russia for centuries. Moscow defends the right to monitor all principality and Novgorod tried to preserve its unique republican spirit. Moscow princes in several attempts to connect the Novgorod principality, but none of them failed during the XIV-XV centuries. But starting in the late spring of 1471 another confrontation Moscow brought the long-awaited success, but for this she had to pay dearly

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By the middle of the XV century, during the reign of Ivan III, Novgorod experienced times of crisis

in a city constantly there were citizens revolt against the nobility iz. for the oppression of the lower and middle strata of the urban population.

Local Novgorod boyars, in whose hands power has been concentrated, could not put an end to their own uprisings. For this purpose it was decided to form an alliance with the Polish-Lithuanian king, who sent to control the restless city of his deputy, Prince Michael Olelkovich. Another important step to pacify the uprising and the formation of the power of the principality was the choice of the new Archbishop of Novgorod after the death of Jonah, who held the post earlier. By tradition, the candidacy should be submitted for approval with Moscow, but this time Novgorod decided to consider the Lithuanian Orthodox Metropolitan, who was in Kiev. At the same time Novgorod advance provided for future aggression Moscow Prince Ivan III and concluded an alliance treaty with the Polish-Lithuanian King Casimir IV.

«traitor to Orthodoxy»

Just two betrayal angered the people of Novgorod mass and this caused a split among the boyars, which led to a weakening of the military power of the city.

Ivan III was well aware that now is a good time of the final incorporation of the Novgorod principality, but decided to act cleverly, diplomatic way – through church.

The Moscow Metropolitan of Novgorod accused of treason and demanded that the population of the city refused to support the Polish-Lithuanian custody. This threat has mobilized both sides at once, and Ivan III in the spring of 1471 decides to organize all-Russian “crusade” against Novgorod, which was perceived by the other kingdoms as a “betrayal of Orthodoxy.” Religious color campaign gave him an even greater significance and importance

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Since march 1471, Ivan III began to prepare for a campaign. Due to the special climatic conditions of the area around Novgorod it was necessary to choose the right strategy, and most importantly – the time of onset

To do this, convened Church-servitor Cathedral, where the decision was made. organize a campaign in early summer.

In addition, Ivan III was important to get support in the face of the allied forces and principalities. At the council decided to bring to a campaign vyatchan, ustyuzhan, Pskov, Tver prince. As a strategic direction of attack were chosen western, southern and eastern, to surround Novgorod, cut it off from all compensation routes that led to Lithuania. Also developed a clear plan of action, according to which to Novgorod had to come from the west and east of two strong squad, and to the south the main blow was applied under the command of Ivan III. It is worth noting that the fact that the convening of the Cathedral Church and the serving was a new phenomenon in the political practice of medieval Russia. The march went not just the eldest of the Russian princes, and the head of the entire Russian land. This once again underlines the feature and the importance of the upcoming campaign.

The marching blog

On this trip, we know not so much. The main sources are the three chronicles, in which information about the campaign in 1471 is fragmented and in some places do not match. The basis of Moscow Grand Chronicle, which contains the marching diary prince.

It is assumed that Ivan III led him during the campaign by writing to the various details, date and impressions.

But when the diary in the annals of its content was subject to considerable adjustments and cuts, making it difficult to read today. In addition, we have some of the evidence set out in the Novgorod and Pskov chronicles, which contain references to the campaign in 1471, but in some places significantly diverge from the official Moscow version.

Ivan III was necessary to prepare the army for the offensive. Led 10000th detachment stood Prince Daniel Kholmsk, Fedor Davidovich Motley, Starodub, and Prince Obolensky-Striga.

All were experienced commanders, participated in military campaigns before and posed a serious threat to the Novgorod militia.

But the greater part of Moscow’s troops were joined them allies: Tver, Pskov and Dmitrov troops. Tver principality has long been a rival of Moscow, but the fact of the union in the campaign against Novgorod, Tver is a recognition of the leading role of Moscow. On the side were the princes of Tver Yuri and Ivan Nikitich corn, which gave Moscow an impressive army.

Another important ally of Moscow was Pskov. His political position for a long time was special. While recognizing the authority of the Grand Duke of Moscow, Pskov retained a significant share of independence in their foreign policy actions, he disposed of his militia and reluctantly drawn into a war with Novgorod. Moreover, for a long time there was an alliance between Pskov and Novgorod, but after the events of 1460, when Pskov sided with Moscow during the battles in the Livonian turn, the situation has changed. Thus, the campaign in 1471 is different scale drawn into her allied forces, which used to be enemies of Moscow

Novgorod militia

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Novgorod is also actively preparing for battle. The boyars gathered all able-bodied citizens and forced them to go to war. The number of the Novgorod forces many times greater than in Moscow and reached 40 thousand., But his fighting ability was much lower because of the unpopularity of the war among the Novgorod population.

Strategy Novgorod was uncoupling Moscow’s troops and their destruction in parts.

The main striking force of Novgorod was the cavalry, which was sent to Pskov boyars way to prevent the possibility of detachment Prince Kholmsk connect with Pskov connection. Also Novgorod infantry had to land on the southern coast near the village of Korostyn and beat a detachment of Prince Kholmsk. The third area of ​​Novgorod plan was Zavolochye where Prince detachment acted Basil Shuisky, which, however, was cut off from the main military forces. It is obvious that, despite the onset of the plan, the Novgorod troops were very scattered and poorly organized. According to chronicles, after the invasion of the grand army on the land of Novgorod Novgorod leadership made an attempt to enter into negotiations and sent to the Grand Duke of Ambassador with a request to “Wanted”. However, “at the same time” Novgorod “poslasha his army in sudah on Ilmeryu lake mnogih people ot Great Novagoroda».

«… Vel them to go across the river Cholon snimatsya Sh pskovichi»

at the end of June 1471, Ivan III ordered the troops of Prince Danilo Dmitrievich and Fedor Davidovich move towards Rus – an important strategic point on the road to Novgorod

With a noticeable quickness that. noted in the record, five days Moscow’s troops burned and destroyed the city.

Then, instead of continuing to move closer to Novgorod, the magistrates decide “by Russ poidosha Dmanu to the town”, located in the south-east of Novgorod. In turn, Ivan III gives a directive, which states that “Vel them to go across the river Cholon snimatsya pskovichi Sh. And under the Demon told stoati Duke Mikhail Andreyevich Sh synom their knyazem Vasilem and with all their howling. »

In spite of the importance of mastering the Demon city for the future strategy of doing it does not make any sense of the military campaign. And it is well understood, Ivan III, in contrast to their governor. This episode, in particular Prince Directive on 9 July, largely predetermined the further fate of the campaign and led to the Battle of the River Shelon. Ivan III has clearly identified the main and secondary in the organization of movement of its troops and capture cities. Disposed troops from Novgorod to weakened areas of the threat hanging over the city, and untied the hands of Novgorod for further action. Mastering the Demon was seen as a minor problem, the solution of which stood a small force specific Tver prince. The main thing was to connect with the troops of Pskov and Novgorod to give battle, a place to which was chosen on the left bank of the river Shelon, between its mouth and the city Soltsy.

«About fighting on Cholon»

Ironically, but most of the battle, we know very little. We have fragmentary information from the Pskov chronicles, which, however, writes about the participation of Pskov in this battle, although the official Moscow chronicles known that Pskov troops had not reached the place of battle. The only good source from which you can learn some of the details of the battle, is Moscow Grand chronicle

The Novgorod army under the command of Dmitry Boretskiy, Basil Casimir, Kuzma Grigoryev and Jacob Fedorov settled down for the night at the mouth of the River Rotten -. Inflow Shelon River . On the morning of July 14 began firing across the river. The suddenness of the attack trained and tempered the army of Prince Kholmsk caught unawares Novgorod. Moscow’s troops continued to cross, fallen into attack Novgorod flight, despite their numerical advantage. In general, this is all that we know about the Battle: unexpectedly convey of Muscovites over the river, the courage of the troops, abundant shelling Novgorod arrows that knocked out of the battle of the cavalry, and their subsequent defeat

In this battle of Novgorod lost about 12 thousand. killed and 2 thousand. prisoners.

However, today we know more about the differences that are present in the texts of chronicles, what about the battle itself. One of the striking differences is mentioned in the Novgorod Chronicle Tatar detachment, who allegedly helped beat Moscow troops of Novgorod. According to the official chronicle of the Grand, the Tatars in the army of Prince Kholmsk and Fedor Davidovich was not – they were in the second tier with Prince Ivan Obolensky Strigoi. In the battle to Shelon Tatars could not participate. Other differences relate mainly to the effects of the battle details, such as the retreat of Muscovites over the river after winning that seems unimaginable. But all three texts chronicles agree on the complete defeat of the Novgorod troops Moscow, indicating that the most important strategic victory of the Moscow principality in the confrontation with Novgorod. He was not completely attached, but after this campaign, following the signing of a peace treaty Korostynskogo August 11, 1471, put an end to this war, Novgorod status has changed dramatically. The city became part of the Russian land. This was the great merit of Ivan III and his military talent

«Russian victims of hard times -. Memory eternal. The creators of the United Russia – the eternal gratitude of descendants »

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Place Shelonsky battle in total historical memory is still not clearly defined. July 7, 2001 with the blessing of the Archbishop of Novgorod and Staraya Russa Lev in the church of the Apostle John the Evangelist in the village Velebitsy Soletskogo District, Novgorod Region after the liturgy held a procession, after which was raised and illuminated by a six-meter oak cross on which a memorial plaque with the words was placed:

«Russian victims of hard times – the eternal memory. The creators of the United Russia – the eternal gratitude of descendants. ”

Eight years later, on December 8, 2009 on the banks of Shelon Schirina in the village, on the supposed site of the battle between the troops of Novgorod and Moscow residents, they put a memorial sign. Few reminisces about events that took place July 14, 1471, but, as history has shown, the consequences greatly influenced not only the history of Novgorod, but also on the Moscow Principality, and all medieval Rus. The historian Nikolai Kostomarov, who had been in these places, recalled: “After traveling a few miles away, on the sandy shore, overgrown bushes, we found a large, fairly high hill, and when they began to umbrellas to dig the ground there, you saw that the whole hill is made up of human bones. Here flowed almost dried river Lath, flows into Shelon. I realized that this mound is a place of burial of Novgorod, smashed on the shore Shelon slightly above this place and fled to the tattered river, where at other times running was inflicted the final defeat. Taking the two skull memory, we went on and came to the chapel, which was under the grave of the fallen soldiers in the battle; annually performed funeral rites over them. »


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