All electronic cigarettes emit harmful chemicals. But in some more of them than others. Thus, the 20 puffs cigarette electronic still effect a conventional cigarette smoked.
It should be noted that the World Health Organisation in October 2014 in Moscow, at the sixth session of the Conference of the Parties to the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, said that with respect to devices that qualify as electronic nicotine delivery systems should apply the same restrictions as traditional cigarettes to. They relate to devices including advertising. According to the WHO, ESDN cause eye irritation and respiratory tract through the allocation of propylene glycol and glycerol.
In fact, in the context of the study of American scientists from the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, WHO confirmed the hypothesis. But they decided to expand a little idea about the impact of e-cigarettes in the first place for their producers
So, the study showed that the thermal decomposition of propylene glycol and glycerin leads to toxic emissions of more dangerous chemicals -. Acrolein and formaldehyde. The first of them affects the mucosa, the second – on genetic material, reproductive organs, respiratory tract, eyes, skin and central nervous system. At the same time their level of selection is influenced by such factors as the use of the temperature, the type and age of the device.
According to the researchers, smoking electronic cigarettes can be useful only to those who are trying to quit smoking but can not. But in the future it will not be a guarantee of stopping the deterioration of their health. In their study, they simulated the use of three types of liquids contained in the electronic cigarettes in two types of evaporators operating on battery power dissimilar modes. Both cigarettes were also different: cheap – with a heating coil and expensive – with two. Skilled, it was important to know if the method of gas and liquid chromatography, the behavior of the pair in the first puffs and later, when the device is heated up and reached a “steady state”.
One of the results of the experiment was that if the first and last puffs produced the greatest number of various emissions, including harmful. By simulating different habits of smokers, the researchers used a cigarette, inhaling for five seconds at intervals of 30 seconds. smoking session lasted 10 minutes. They found that the device is the most heated in the second five-minute to achieve a constant temperature during the 20th tightening
According to the scientific journal Environmental Science & amp.; Technology, which was published in the cigarette that functions in one spiral acrolein is released at a voltage of 3.8 volts in a volume of 0.46 micrograms per puff in the first five puffs. At steady state, the level – 8.7 micrograms per inhalation. As for the cigarettes in two spirals, there is much less emissions.
Compared to conventional cigarettes, the level of emissions, of course not as high. With 20 puffs electronic releases from 90 to 100 micrograms of acrolein, the traditional -. 400 to 650
The researchers note in their paper that the use of cigarettes at a low voltage level is not greatly reduce emissions. Substances toxic and dangerous at any temperature, but the higher it is, the allocation of more.
At the end of his article, the scientists added that most of the liquid in electronic cigarettes contain a mixture of propylene glycol and glycerol in various proportions as the solvent. Both substances are used as artificial smoke in the scene. They are considered safe.
And yet, the result of research was the fact that experts have seen in pairs of electronic cigarettes allocation 31st harmful chemical compounds. And two of them – propylene oxide and glycidol – are carcinogenic. That is a matter that directly affect the genetic structure of human beings and can cause irreversible changes in it.
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