Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Scientists have completely recreated the process of maturation of oocytes in vitro – BBC News

Japanese researchers have developed such laboratory conditions for the cultivation of tissue that they can consistently go all the processes of oogenesis, meiosis from puberty and ending with eggs. The eggs produced in this way, fertilized, and as a result, a host of embryos. After the introduction into the body of a surrogate mother, they have evolved as normal embryos and mice are born healthy. On this, scientists reported in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

Oogenesis -. It is the formation and maturation of eggs from their predecessors. A similar process in the body called the male spermatogenesis. The precursors of germ cells arise from primordial stem cells produced more in the early stages of embryonic development. Oogenesis and spermatogenesis processes are complex, and repeat them from the beginning to the end of the in vitro , is the body of the corresponding animal for a long time was not possible. However, in 2011 a group of Japanese researchers to recreate the process of maturation of mouse “in vitro” sperm. Oogenesis mice proved more difficult, but he eventually succumbed to the scientists.

Japanese researchers have grown mice ovarian tissue. With the help of an antagonist of the estrogen receptor, governing the maturation of oocytes in vivo , they have achieved the transformation of primordial stem cells into precursors of oocytes, the division of these precursors by meiosis and oocyte maturation. When oocytes reached a stage at which they are “naturally” leave ovary (this happens when ovulation) them either once trying to impregnate or frozen together with the surrounding tissue culture and fertilized after a period of rest. The latter is done in order to understand whether kriopreservatsiya viability obtained by artificial eggs affected.

In both cases (and after a period of freezing, and without it) managed to fertilize the egg, that is to receive one of the zygote. These zygotes introduced into the uterus of mice. In most cases, these mouse gave birth to viable offspring after pregnancy normal duration (21 days).

The results of the work of Japanese scientists may serve as a scientific and practical purposes. Firstly, there is now a tool to study any of the processes of oogenesis in vitro . Secondly, the developed technology is likely to help in the fight against infertility.


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