Washington, February 5, 2016, 10:09 – REGNUM Scientists from the US have found that the most capable of empathy and caring creature on the earth is an Indian elephant, writes Daily Mail. In order to rank the most sensitive animal, the researchers set them sensors that detect your mood and emotions.
As a result of the observations revealed that elephants are not only attentive to his own kind, for example, they comfort each other trunks, but also sympathize with the person and are able to take care of it.
In addition to elephants, empathy can dogs: human friends do not just guess, and emote. Capacity for empathy have also primates: gorillas can take care of dolls and comfort one another, and orangutans adopt such emotions of others as laughter.
Interestingly, scientists have found a manifestation of emotions in birds: crows console affected relatives touching wings, and jays satisfied “funeral”, flying over the dead tribesmen
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