Friday, February 12, 2016

Scientists have announced the discovery of gravitational waves – BBC


Scientists from around the world continue to celebrate the discovery of gravitational waves predicted by Albert Einstein 100 years ago and has become an important confirmation of his theory of relativity. Experts believe that this discovery is a major contender for the Nobel for this year’s physics prize.
Department of Science “Gazety.Ru” joins celebrating scientists and completes the online broadcast. Thank you for being with us


«Einstein would be very happy!” – Says Gabriella Gonzalez, a spokesman for collaboration LIGO . Her words are quoted by The New York Times.


«The scientists were looking for gravitational waves for decades, but only now have at our disposal appeared extremely accurate technology that could catch it very, very faint echo from space “, – says professor Karsten Dantsmann, director of the Institute of the Society for gravitational physics at the Max Planck and the director of the Hanover Leibniz University

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«In 1992, the approval of the funding LIGO project was the largest investment that has ever made the US National Science Foundation – commented Frans Cordova, director of the foundation. – It was a big risk. But the National Science Foundation – an agency that is ready to go for this kind of risk. We support the basic research and development all the way up to the moment when the opening will be done and the path becomes unclear. We support the pioneers. »


The Russian scientists complete press conference.


the physicists report that the measurement data clearly indicate that the sources of gravitational waves are black holes – which means that they will no longer be regarded as hypothetical objects

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The article about the opening will be published in the journal Physical Review Letters. Scientists attribute this to the fact that the cycle of review articles in this journal is very fast and, therefore, the publication will happen very soon. This explains the fact that the article had not been lodged in Science or Nature.


The discovery was made during the engineering cycle works (calibrations). This means that the detection of gravitational waves has occurred prior to the beginning of the scientific launch, scientists report.


«Similar signals were observed after 14 of September, but much lower intensity. Now comes the test – everything has to be very precise check “- continues Valery Mitrofanov


« Gravitational waves are nothing to screened and. serve as an important source of information about the cosmos – is responsible Valery Mitrofanov on the issue of opening value to science. – We’ll see the sky with diamonds »


« What LIGO will do next? First, monitoring continues. Secondly, it is necessary to improve the equipment that was not one registration event in a month, and much more “, – summed Valery Mitrofanov


«Quartz noise really less” – explains Valery Mitrofanov choice of material for the mirrors used in LIGO. This explains why quartz was better than sapphire.


«With this discovery for us, the people, new splendid adventure begins : search and research sides distorted universe of objects and phenomena, which are constructed of curved space-time. Colliding black holes and gravitational waves – our first perfect specimens, “- says Kip Thorne, an astrophysicist, one of the LIGO founders


<. p> «This observation is beautifully described in the general theory of relativity formulated by Einstein 100 years ago and is the first test of the theory of strong gravity. It would be nice to see the face of Einstein, if we could it is to inform “, – says Rainer Weiss, one of the LIGO founders of the project


«This is an outstanding achievement that opens a new direction – gravitational wave astronomy, – require the implementation of a major project of broad international collaboration of scientists, – says Igor Bilenko, professor of physics, Moscow State University fluctuations. – It is very important and it is noteworthy that the fundamental discoveries made remarkable Russian scientist Vladimir Borisovich Braginsky and his colleagues – quantum limits, methods of quantum measurement and quantum fluctuations – were needed and in demand in this project »


gravitational waves carry information about its origin and the dramatic nature of gravity that can not be obtained any other way. Physicists have come to the conclusion that the observed gravitational waves are generated by the two black holes in the last fraction of a second they merge to form a single, more massive rotating black hole.


that’s when a disaster gravitational waves occur:


on the question of whether it is possible Now after years of searching, to say that gravitational waves finally open, Valery Mitrofanov says: “this is not a simple story … But – yes, they are open, it is certainly!»


« For the first time in the world registered flying wave curvature of space, the discovery of a new era of gravitational wave astronomy “, – commented on the events, professor of the Physics Department of Moscow State University Sergey Vjatchanin <. /> p>


Valery Mitrofanov, professor of the Physics Department of Moscow State University. MV Lomonosov Moscow State University, says that the gravitational waves on Earth cause extremely small perturbations. LIGO detectors discovered the relative fluctuations pairs of test masses separated by 4 kilometers, the size of a 10 -19 m (this as many times smaller than an atom size, how much less apple atom).


Washington scientists demonstrated clip, which showed how under the influence of gravitational waves flattened and Earth varies, causing a noticeable revival of the public. The researchers explained that this was an exaggerated representation of the real process of change in linear dimensions of objects under the influence of wave.


On the basis of observed by scientists signal LIGO estimated that black holes are participating in this event, had a mass of 29 and 36 times the mass of the Sun, and the event itself took place 1.3 billion years ago. For a split second about three solar masses turned into gravitational waves, the maximum radiation power which was about 50 times greater than that of the entire visible universe.


gravitational waves were recorded September 14, 2015 at 5:51 am EST summer time (13:51 Moscow time) on two detectors twin laser interferometer gravitational wave observatories LIGO.


The representative of the collaboration LIGO David Ritz told that gravity waves have been opened!


The American physicists announced a collaboration began its work: the LIGO project was founded in 1992, and the observations of the observatory began in 2002.


Start my video news conference from Washington.


Rumors about the opening of gravitational waves began to spread after the upgraded observatory detectors were launched in September. It was reported that in the United States laboratory detectors could passage fix one or more of gravitational waves. This was written in his microblog on Twitter renowned cosmologist from Arizona State University, Lawrence Krauss. True, the LIGO press office did not confirm if his message.


Of all the gravitational telescopes operating in the world, the greatest sensitivity has located in the United States laser interferometer gravitational wave observatory LIGO. The observatory consists of two L-shaped systems formed by two arms 4 km each. Gravitational wave has a metric property change – which means that, once on the device, it will change the arm length of each of the systems and laser interferometer fix this change
Systems LIGO spaced to each other in 3002. Km. When registering a gravitational wave propagating according to general relativity, the speed of light, this distance will provide a delay in the registration of 10 milliseconds of the signal, which will determine the direction of the source of the waves. One of the systems is located in Livingston, and the other – in Hanford


If general relativity is correct and gravitational waves really exist. , the most powerful and frequent enough of their sources are disaster related to the collapse of massive binary systems in nearby galaxies, such as the collision of black holes or neutron stars. When rotating around a common center of mass of this system loses energy due to the emission of gravitational waves. This process usually takes a few million years, and the radiation is rather weak. As a result, the objects closer together, and their orbital period decreases. However, at the final stage of the collision and unbalanced gravitational collapse. This process lasts for a split second, and during that time in the gravitational radiation – ripples “space-time” – goes the energy component, by some estimates, more than 50% by weight of the system

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Search for gravitational waves – this is one of the biggest problems of modern physics. According to the general theory of relativity (GTR) Albert Einstein, any matter, moving with acceleration, it creates a space-time disturbance – a gravitational wave. This disturbance is greater, the higher the acceleration and the mass of the object. In view of the weakness of the gravitational force compared to other fundamental interactions of these waves should have a very small amount, are difficult to registration.


Good evening, dear readers! Department of Science “Gazety.Ru” begins online broadcast press conference, the Russian scientists involved in the project to search for gravitational waves. The researchers are members of the collaboration LIGO (LSC – LIGO Scientific Collaboration), the team of more than a thousand scientists from the universities of 15 countries. Russia is represented by two research groups: Group of the Physics Department of Moscow State University. MV Lomonosov Moscow State University and a group of the Institute of Applied Physics (Nizhniy Novgorod)

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