Sunday, February 28, 2016

Life on Earth came from space – the scientists – Commander

This suggests that organic life on Earth came from space. To such a sensational conclusion was made by Russian scientists who have studied the meteorites and found there microorganisms, whose age exceeds 4 billion years. According to professionals, the solar system, including our planet, a few billion. Years ago, I was just beginning to take shape, so the homeland of microbes found in the meteorite to be found far beyond its borders, and it is still possible, and beyond the Milky Way.

Experts from Russia suggested that the origin of life on Earth may be due to the emergence of micro-organisms on the planet, who came from outer space. Scientists have conducted a detailed study of meteorites, which showed that the duration of the existence of certain microorganisms coincides with the age of the Earth, which allows to draw conclusions. Tiny organisms appeared on the planet about four billion years ago, just at the time when the solar system began sformirovyvaetsya.

«The whole solar system is, in fact, our planet, in those years was just beginning to take shape, but because the home these “fossilized alien from outer space” should be sought, we believe gde-to abroad “, – said the head of the Paleontological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences Alexei Rozanov Borisyak.

« not the planet, and, say, there were some bodies that had puddles, lakes, rivers, shallow sea, there lived these things, “- shared his thoughts Academician Alexei Rozanov, director of the Paleontological Institute of the Borisyak RAS

Inside the meteorite. under an electron microscope, scientists discovered protozoa. When Academician Rozanov presented his fotodokazatelstva, doubts about the existence of extraterrestrial life have disappeared without leaving a trace.

The bacteria can travel cosmic distances inside comets, while in a frozen state. This was confirmed by experiments in Antarctica, in permafrost and in the open space (micro-organisms have been found in cosmic dust settled on the ISS trim), although earlier it was believed that radiation and temperature extremes are harmful to all living things.

Samples Space dust were tested in the laboratory and compared with terrestrial samples. It turned out that in Earth orbit, there are the so-called extreme bacteria that live in the world in geothermal sources and even volcanic lava.

According to the academician Rozanov and his colleagues, the Earth was “seeded” by microorganisms as a result of massive bombardment comets still at an early stage of its development. Organisms from the weathering crust are older than 2.5 billion years. This suggests that the land was inhabited by organisms as soon as it was formed

Meanwhile, European astrophysicists also discovered evidence of cosmic origin of life. In a gas cloud, which is located in the center of our galaxy (26 thousand light years from our planet), have been found special molecules that are part of the DNA

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