3D-bioprinter – are machines that print the cells layer by layer to create a workable organ (or tissue section). However, while the printed objects are too fragile for human implantation. Furthermore, they are deprived of blood vessels, making their size is dictated by the limit of the diffusion of oxygen and nutrients (200 microns).
Anthony Atala (Anthony Atala) and his colleagues reinforced cell typing them together with a biodegradable polymer, giving fabric mechanical strength. To deliver the nutrients they developed microchannels system – it is possible to dramatically increase the size of the printed organs
Finally, scientists have adapted bioprinter to the individual needs of patients: its program first constructs a three-dimensional model of the desired organ (or tissue site), and then. prints in accordance with this model. The study describes the capabilities of the device to make bone, cartilage and skeletal muscle based on cells from mice, rabbits, rats and humans
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