Thursday, February 11, 2016

For the first time predicted by Einstein recorded gravity waves – Pervouralsk On-Line

Scientists were able to fix the gravitational waves predicted by Albert Einstein more. The signal from the gravitational waves acoustic range was obtained by the observatory LIGO (Laser Interferometry Gravitational-Wave Observatory), located in the United States. According to scientists, this achievement will mark a new stage in space exploration. The discovery was announced at a press conference of the National Science Foundation, reports Reuters.

The scientific article with the results of the study has been accepted for publication in a specialized journal Physical Review Letters, and have appeared on the website edition. Astrophysicist and popularizer of science Sergei Popov after the official announcement of the scientific discovery explained the Russian-speaking community of the importance of this breakthrough, however, acknowledged that the scientists of LIGO largely “just lucky”.

Representatives of scientific collaboration LIGO Washington announced that this pivotal discovery that will pave the way for a new phase of space exploration. “We caught gravitational waves, we made it!” -. Scientists say

Gravitational waves recorded September 14, 2015 at 05:51 am Eastern Standard Time (13:51 Moscow time) on two detectors twin laser interferometric gravitational-wave observatories LIGO, located in Livingston (Louisiana) and Hanford (Washington) in the United States.

Detectors LIGO found the relative volatility of 10 to the minus 19-degree meter (about equal to the ratio of an atom diameter to the diameter of the apple) pairs separated by four kilometers of the test masses.

The source of the waves scientists called the merger of two black holes the mass of about 29 and 36 solar masses. Physicists call signal “is very specific.” In particular, there have been increasing the frequency with time oscillation – exactly what predicts the general theory of relativity for the merging of massive objects (the closer they come to each other, the higher the speed and frequency of the emitted gravitational waves)

When the waves reach Earth, they shifted the laser beam detector at one-thousandth the diameter of a proton. These fluctuations group of scientists transformed into sound. Recording has already appeared in the public domain on the Internet

Gravitational waves -. A direct consequence of the equations of general relativity, proposed by Albert Einstein in 1915. They are described by wave-type equations and their solutions meet the perturbations of space-time, moving at the speed of light. In contrast to the electromagnetic intensity of gravitational waves is many orders of magnitude smaller, so to find them was possible only after 100 years since the introduction of the hypothesis, explain the experts.

LIGO Observatory is funded by the US National Science Foundation and is based on the proposed 1980 initiative of the American physicists Kip Thorne and Ronald Drever. The installation cost is estimated at 370 million dollars. Research in the LIGO carried out in the framework of the eponymous collaboration of more than a thousand scientists from the US and 14 other countries, including Russia, represented by two groups -. Of the Moscow State University and the Institute of Applied Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Nizhny Novgorod)

Moscow group created and until recently was headed by Vladimir Braginsky – one of the pioneers of gravitational-wave research in the world, recalls The composition of the research group included among the co-authors of scientific discovery, composed of seven members of the Department of Physics of Moscow State University fluctuations, including the head of the team – Valery Mitrofanov. The Group is involved in the project since 1992 and has been an increase in the sensitivity of gravitational wave detectors and determining its fundamental quantum and thermodynamic limitations.

Theoretical and experimental research of physicists from the Moscow State University have found the embodiment when a new generation of detectors, which allowed to observe directly gravitational waves from the merger of two black holes. During work on the project LIGO group were obtained results are important not only to search for gravitational waves, but also for the whole of physics. “The scientific significance of this discovery is enormous as in the case of electromagnetic waves, we realize it fully after a while.” – Said Mitrofanov

Gravitational waves and the theory of the Big Bang <. /> p>

in the summer of 2014, American astrophysicists had previously stated that they have evidence of the existence of the primary gravitational waves generated by the big Bang, acknowledged that “not confident” in its result.

Then, scientists working in the Antarctic observatory BICEP2, published the results of his study, previously called sensational, in the scientific journal Physical research Letters. Then delight in the ranks of the scientific community was reduced significantly: the article mentioned the existence of blind spots on the object under study. And during a public lecture in London, one of the most important physicists BICEP2 – Professor Clem Prayk University of Minnesota – he acknowledged that the circumstances have changed, and his confidence in the fact that a startling discovery was actually committed, reduced

In March, 2014. scientists, the statement that they were able to detect traces of primary gravitational waves arising after the big Bang 13.8 billion years ago, caused a great public outcry. The theory of the emergence of the universe suggests that the beginning of the world put the Big Bang, which physicists call “the moment of inflation.” Immediately after the explosion began the inflationary stage -. A continuous stepwise expansion of the universe

Many scientists (in 2006, proof of the existence of such a step was found), including Russia, said that at this stage there were huge gravitational waves, that allowed the universe to expand. According to the theory, it iz-za gravitational waves are small fluctuations in the level of the atom turns into a giant disturbance that created the galaxy.

According to US scientists announced in March 2014, they were able to detect traces of gravitational waves in the CMB map radiation. Their alleged discovery was made using BICEP telescope (Background Imaging of Cosmic Extragalactic Polarization), whose task – measure the CMB polarization, which also occurred at the time of birth of the universe

In the spring of that year, the study critics said. that the change in polarization, the discovery of which US scientists said could be due to some other cause, and not the next primary gravitational waves. Criticism increased significantly after the data were published Telescope “Plank”, other than BICEP2 data.

The infrared spacecraft telescope, named after the founder of quantum physics Max Planck, working below the CMB temperature, allowing you to unique information about the temperature of the radiation. His data is presumed to physics, certainly credible.

It should be noted that experts have previously thought that such a discovery would make the scientists related to the study of gravitational waves, serious contenders for the Nobel Prize. On the inflation theory in 1979, said the young Soviet scientist (now – Chief Researcher of the Institute of Theoretical Physics named after Lev Landau) Alex Starobin. Then, in 1981, American Alan Guth used the term “cosmological inflation”, and in 1982 the Moscow physicist Andrei Linde (then replaced on the US citizenship) offered a model of the new theory. In 2013 Starobinskii prestigious award Gruber was awarded.

The researchers found the signal of gravitational waves at a frequency corresponding to the human voice

According to astrophysicist and popularizer Sergei Popov science , scientists from the LIGO managed to swivel opening is largely due to luck. “Almost as soon as they joined, they saw the signal -.. The merger of two very massive black hole signal is highly dependent on the weight Normally, the average black hole every three and even four a little better, but in this case it was possible to see the signal from long distance, “- he explained in an interview with” Medusa “

The scientist also explained in simple language the essence of the phenomenon of gravitational waves.. “Starting with the general theory of relativity, we believe that gravity is related to the space-time geometry, the modern theory of gravitation – geometric In these theories, the geometry of space describe metric:. On the plane it is easy to draw – a carpet lined checkered This flat space we.. can it in every bend, but it is better to do it without hands, and, for example, massive bodies – any heavy body distorts the space around them further -. if it is a heavy body is fidgeting, or, for example, two heavy bodies will revolve around a common center of the star, they will be periodically perturb the space, and the space will run ripples this is the gravitational waves “, -. explained Popov

according to him, the fact that only now, scientists were able to fix the gravitational waves. due, primarily, to the appearance of the appropriate equipment. “The detector LIGO, VIRGO detector, which will soon begin to work in Europe, -. It is absolutely stunning machine for precision measurements Before that, people used cheaper, simpler approaches the LIGO -. It’s 25 years of work, a huge amount of money spent in the first place on research to develop new technologies to bring these technologies to the mind and for the manufacture of these amazing precision instruments, “- said Popov

In a conversation with reporters astrophysicist also explained why the signal recorded by the LIGO, was. represented as audio. “First, people like pictures and sounds Therefore, many signals -. Oscillations of stars, even some – converted into audible form, but here fated signal actually comes at a frequency approximately corresponding to the frequency of our speech Physically this phenomenon are different.. but the frequency of the same -.. kilohertz Therefore, the researchers decided that it is a beautiful course to draw a graph, adopted during the experiment, he says about the form of gravitational-wave signal that the wave vibrates the mirror in the meter, but usually people want not. just to see flourish and get some multimedia content “, – concluded the scientist




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