Friday, February 5, 2016

Scientists: almost the entire population of Europe died out at the end of the Ice Age – REGNUM

Berlin, February 5, 2016, 13:00 – REGNUM German geneticists argue that almost the entire population of the European continent became extinct at the end of the last Ice Age. That is the conclusion, scientists have come as a result of the Cro-Magnon DNA analysis that inhabited Europe 30-11 thousand years ago, writes Current Biology.

Experts examined the mitochondrial DNA in the remains of 35 ancient people, who were found in Romania, Czech Republic, Belgium and Italy. Presumably, the catastrophe, which destroyed a large part of the then European, occurred at the end of the era of glaciation.

Scientists know that the peoples of the world are divided into two types of carriers of mitochondrial DNA: Haplogroup M and N.

Previously, scientists assumed that humans migrated from Africa to Europe in waves, at first it did media haplogroup M (the peoples of Asia and the Indians of the New World), then there was a stop in the Middle East and haplogroup M disappeared from the population of those who later colonized Europe. A second wave was inhabited Europe, where haplogroup M is not detected and there is haplogroup N (Europeans).

But the new study found that the DNA of 35 Cro-Magnon contained traces of haplogroup M, as well as rare haplogroup U5 and the R, missing more than 10 thousand years ago, after the Ice age. Therefore, early humans left Africa at the same time, it happened more than 55 thousand years ago. At the same time the Europeans the end of the Ice Age, pogibnuvshih or left habitats, replaced immigrants from the Middle East and those who managed to survive glaciation in northern Europe.

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