Thursday, February 4, 2016

Scientists will be able to discover the secrets of all life on earth, using the “purple socks» – OAnews

Scientists will be able to discover the secrets of all life on land using

The American scientists who conducted some studies have identified a new species of worm. They explained that this worm Xenoturbella very important. He was named unique. Now it has started to compare with human purple toe, since they are similar in appearance. What is the importance of this worm? Experts find him, he said that he will reveal many of the mysteries associated with the early stages of the evolution taking place in the world today.

It is reported that the worm xenoturbella, have found in the territory of the coast of Sweden, about 60 years ago. Since this worm is notable for its strange appearance of different representatives of the Western media we decided to call him a kind of “purple toe cap.” Later, in 2004, scientists were able to find four more species of worm. These types have been very interesting to scientists from the Institute of Oceanography Scripps (USA).

Scientists, representing the American Institute, found that these newly discovered species, distinguished by the absence of the brain. And they have no reproductive organs, gills, eyes, intestines, but there is one kind of hole. It is through this opening Xenoturbella worm receives water. And then through the hole the worm gets rid of its waste.

Experts explained that this kind of xenoturbella, is unique due to the fact that it is probably one of the first versions of the forms of life on Earth. They believe that the worm will open many previously inaccessible scientist curtains secrets of all living beings on Earth. Now scientists announced conducted a very detailed study of this type of worm.

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