Thursday, June 11, 2015

Hackers attacked the “Kaspersky Lab” – a REGNUM


Moscow, June 11, 2015, 13:40 – REGNUM June 10 Unidentified hackers attacked the internal corporate network, “Kaspersky Lab” , reported on the official website of the company.

«We found targeted attack on our internal corporate network – said in a statement. – Attackers created an innovative malicious kiberplatformu and use multiple zero-day vulnerabilities. We are almost sure that behind this attack hidden state special services ».

Hacking was found during testing of software (SW), preventing targeted attacks.

As stated on the site,” the attackers were interested in our technologies, especially in our secure operating systems, protection of financial transactions Kaspersky Fraud Prevention, cloud security Kaspersky Security Network, the very solution for targeted attacks Anti-APT, as well as our services ».

At the same programmers “Kaspersky Lab” was assured that their clients were and remain safe.

Note that unknown hackers used a little-marking tools and malicious software with elements of the so-called zero-day attacks ( It is occurring at a time when there are unresolved vulnerabilities, or against which no defense).

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