Kids, say scientists from Sweden and Norway, may see their parents in 2-3 days after birth, but see the face Mom and Dad in detail newborns can only at a distance of 30 centimeters.
Currently, it is believed that newborns have their view of the world, which in their eyes could be reversed, or black and white. But all this theory and only Scandinavian researchers were able to show that newborn babies are able to distinguish the faces of his parents in 2-3 days after birth.
The Swedish and Norwegian scientists have found that the structure of the eyes of a newborn baby is practically no different from the structure of the eyes of an adult, but the visual acuity of a newly born children is substantially reduced. If a distance of 30 centimeters a newborn baby can clearly see the faces of his parents, at a distance of 60 cm image of moms and dads for child “blurred”, so it can not visually recognize faces and emotions.
The Scandinavian researchers, according to one of the study’s authors – Professor Sven Magnussen made a video of male and female faces, which gradually changed its expression. The researchers then excluded from the reach of children videos emotions, leaving apathy, happiness, anger and wonder, and specifically to “dilute” the video, its as close as possible to what they see children.
This was done as follows. The scientists first got gray image that a newborn child is not paying attention. Then, by adjusting the width and frequency of the black and white stripes pattern changed as long as the kid did not fix his gaze on the image.
Then, the video was shown 9 men and 33 women aged from 20 to 43 years different distances. Adults study participants had to name the emotion that one experiences in the image. The results showed that a distance of 30 centimeters, men and women correctly named three of the four emotions presented (the worst situation was with indifference). However, should push the image up to 120 centimeters, the study participants stopped to distinguish between emotions and proceed to the guessing – the best situation was in anger, and worst of all – indifference.
These findings allowed the Scandinavian scientists have concluded that newborns children clearly see the face and can recognize emotion from a distance of only 30 centimeters. The results of this study, according to its authors, explain why babies in the first days of his life may depict facial expressions of adults, although their vision is still underdeveloped.
«It is important to remember that we examined just how far a child can see anything and do not understand it,” – commented on the results of the study Sven Magnussen.
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