A group of Swedish scientists, led by Professor Christian Christiansen of the University of Gothenburg, published a study of the origin of modern European man. It turned out that its genome was formed as a result of large-scale migration in the Bronze Age, according Dni.ru.
It is considered that the Bronze Age in the Eurasian continent, It lasted roughly from 3000′s to 1000 years BC. During this period there have been major cultural change. However, experts are still arguing about whether these changes are the result of the circulation of ideas, or the result of human migration, including potentially contributing to the spread of languages and specific phenotypic characteristics.
The researchers concluded that the gene pool of the modern population Europe was formed as a result of active migrations that took place during the Bronze Age. Correspondence so-called genetic map began about five thousand years ago, when representatives from the steppes of the Caucasus pit culture began to move to the west, mainly in northern and central Europe.
To a lesser extent, they have migrated to Western Siberia. In Northern Europe, the representatives of the pit culture mingled with people Corded living in this region. By the way, the ancient Europeans are genetically very similar to the current population living north of the Alps.
The area east of the Urals and Central Asia were colonized about 3,800 years ago, the Andronov culture that inhabited Kazakhstan, Western Siberia, the western part of Central Asia and the Urals. Researchers concluded that representatives of this culture were the bearers of the genome, which is now present in Europeans.
to Gazeta.ru. writes that Russian scientists as part of an international team studied this question, applying advanced methods of investigation of genomes of representatives of ancient cultures throughout Europe.
Photo: GLOBAL LOOK press
« My colleagues and I have done a tremendous job in which each has a role: I personally He analyzed the materials Kapova cave – the only cave on the territory of Russia and the rock paintings of the Stone Age. Our research – is the first sign, the results will continue to grow and expand , – said Russian historian, archeologist, Ph.D., associate professor of the History Faculty of Moscow State University Vladislav Zhitenev. – For the first time we have worked with such a broad sample paleoanthropological material. We were able to trace the dispersal of certain nations, the spread of Indo-European language family. Given that the archeologists worked with paleogenetics, the study opens up new horizons of history. The work was for a long time – I personally connected to it in April this year. With foreign colleagues we met, but mostly work was correspondence ».
During the research, scientists have concluded that the Bronze Age is a dynamic period of large-scale migration of the population, which formed as a result of major components of the current demographic structure in Europe and Asia. From a genetic point of view of the ancient Europeans post-migration period is much closer to modern Europeans, than the people who lived before the Bronze Age.
«Rewriting genetic map” began about 5 thousand. Years ago, from the steppes of the Caucasus, representatives of the pit culture migrated to North and Central Europe, and in Western Siberia. In Northern Europe yamna culture mixed with the Corded Ware culture, also known as a culture of fighting axes. Genetically, it is similar to the culture of modern Europeans living north of the Alps. Later, about 4 thousand. Years ago sintashitskaya culture, common in northern steppe zone of South Ural and Southern Urals, it has evolved in the Caucasus. New weapons and chariots of this culture spread quickly throughout Europe.
The area east of the Urals and far into Central Asia was colonized by approximately 3.8 thousand. Years ago Andronov culture, living in Kazakhstan, Western Siberia, the western part Central Asia and the Southern Urals. According to the study, representatives of this culture were the carriers of the European DNA.
In the twilight of the Bronze Age and early Iron Age peoples of Asia arrived in Central Asia. Where scientists observe rather “gene replacement” rather than genetic impurities – European genes in this region disappear.
Earlier, popular opinion was that lactose tolerance first appeared in the Balkans or the Middle East in connection with the development of agriculture in the Stone Age. New results from the analysis of the DNA showed that contrary to expectations, the researchers lactose tolerance among Europeans began to emerge much earlier. Researchers believe that lactose tolerance could appear in Europe with yamnymi shepherds of the Caucasus, but the selection that made the majority of Europeans resistant to lactose, occurred much later.
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