Wednesday, June 17, 2015

1B NASA said that over the water on the planet – BFM.Ru

space agency scientists analyzed satellite data and assessed the climate change in some regions. Futurists do not exclude that in the near future wars will go for water

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Drought in the United States. Photo: EPA / TASS

In the next hundred years, the United States will suffer from climate change stronger than Russia. Many cities and even whole states will be left without water due to global warming. These new data of the US space agency NASA.

NASA specialists engaged in processing of satellite data, trying to assess the future of climate change in some regions of the world and even in specific cities. According to the forecast, by the end of the century the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere can grow almost double from the current level, then, believe in NASA, the average daily temperature in cities such as Jerusalem, New York, Los Angeles and Mumbai will rise to + 45 ° C.

Last year, American scientists have warned President Obama that climate change will result in a full-scale catastrophe for the United States.

How serious is this threat? Responsible Head of the “climate and energy” World Wildlife Fund Alexei Kokorin.

Alex Kokorin

head of the program “Climate and Energy” WWF

California, for example, has already faced this problem. In March, it was reported that water supplies in vaults remained only a year. And in May the governor of the state of the solar Jerry Brown has called urgently to reduce water consumption by at least 25%. The water is not cut off, but the restrictions are already visible, told Business FM California resident Andrew Bulhak.

Andrew Bulhak

California resident

An interesting fact: in California growing popularity of mobile applications with which users can send authorities photographs of those who wastefully consumes water. Particular attention is attracted by the inhabitants of Californians luxurious mansions of Beverly Hills.

Does Russia threatens shortage of fresh water? Responsible hydrologist Michael Bolgov.

Michael Bolgov


According to the UN, it is now more than a billion people live in conditions of constant shortage of water and approximately half is in areas where this problem may occur in the near future. With a serious shortage of this resource will have to face the world as early as 2030. And futurists have repeatedly stated that in the near future it will become a commodity water is the number one in the world, and wars will be fought not over oil, but for fresh water.


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