The discovery was made on June 14 for remote analysis of data with a 40-centimeter optical telescope located in New Mexico (USA). This telescope is part of the Russian scientific network of optical instruments for astrometric and photometric observations (ISON, international name – ISON).
An asteroid the size of 86 to 270 meters in 2015 was designated LK24. On the morning of June 26 a celestial body will pass at a distance of 4.7 million kilometers from Earth. To see it with the naked eye will not work – at the time of closest approach in all its brightness reaches 17th magnitude. However, new heavenly body is related to potentially dangerous .
“The trajectories of asteroids change under the influence of the planets near which they pass. Period 2015 LK24 asteroid in the solar system – about five years. He travels on an elongated orbit, it approaches the Sun, reaching the orbit of Jupiter. While we do not know is the asteroid closer or farther away from the Earth in subsequent encounters “, – quotes Elenin Tass.
The category includes all potentially hazardous asteroids with a diameter greater than 100 meters and extending for a distance of 0.05 astronomical units from Earth – 7.5 million kilometers. Asteroid 2015 LK24 meets these criteria and size and proximity to Earth. The fact that he managed to find on the approach to the Earth, giving astronomers an opportunity to observe him at the time of closest approach and to clarify the size and trajectory.
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