Thursday, June 11, 2015

“Kaspersky Lab” found spyware attacks on their own corporate network – Bulletin

The company “Kaspersky Lab” announced the evening of June 10, revealed that targeted attack on an internal corporate network. “Attackers have created an innovative malicious kiberplatformu and use multiple zero-day vulnerabilities. We are almost sure that behind this attack hidden state security service,” – said in a statement on its website. Attack in the laboratory named Duqu 2.0. The company’s products and its services are not affected by the attack, he assures “Kaspersky Lab”.

The company believes that the hackers were interested in its products, as well as the ongoing investigation of the company, its analytical tools and working methods.

According to experts, “Kaspersky Lab”, malware is a “very advanced and extremely secretive,” its development and operation “require continuous operation of high-programmers” and “it shall be the total value of a colossal “. Detect spyware company managed by a prototype Anti-APT-decision, which is being developed for the detection of complex targeted attacks.


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