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Engines spacecraft “Soyuz TMA-15M” with a crew of Anton Shkaplerova (Roscosmos), Samantha Kristoforetti (ESA) and Terry Vertsa (NASA) launched the braking, a spokesman for the Mission Control Center (MCC). “Engines have joined in the estimated time. Later, “The Union” will enter the Earth’s atmosphere, where the relationship with him a short time will be lost. Landing descent capsule is expected at 16:43 Moscow time in 148 km south-east of the town of Dzhezkazgan Karaganda region of Kazakhstan “, – the” RIA Novosti “words of the interlocutor.
Return to Earth Anton Shkaplerova, Samantha Kristoforetti Terry Vertsa was postponed for a month due to the state of emergency with the cargo ship “Progress M-28M”. Carrier rocket “Soyuz-2.1a” with transporters “Progress M-27M” launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome platform №31 on April 28 at 10:09 Moscow time. It was assumed that six hours after the start of the ship moored to the ISS, bringing six crew members of the expedition 43/44 more than 2.5 tons of cargo: food, fuel, oxygen and equipment for scientific experiments. However, because of the emergency situation, he turned into an unplanned orbit, and already on May 8 was burned up in the atmosphere. Financial losses from a failed start-up is estimated at 2.6 billion rubles.
For more information about the investigation of the causes of the accident “Progress”, read the article “b”, “From” Progress “will suffer all ».
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