Monday, July 27, 2015

Tomsk scientists are breeding earthworms for production of protein meal. – Peasant Gazette

Researchers of the Tomsk State University (TSU) will be engaged in cultivation of earthworms. After the processing of them can produce food, medicine and cosmetics, the press service of the university with reference to the head of the Department of Plant Protection, Professor Andrey Babenko.

“Modern agriculture has highly productive breeds pigs, cows, chickens. Why not create a highly productive breeds of worms? It’s the same cattle breeding. Worms – a protein with a very high protein content. The experiments show that it is not inferior to beef protein and other valuable breeds of domestic animals, “- led the press service of the word scientist.

The task of researchers – do vermicultivation (dilution and the use of earthworms) a lucrative business. They work hard to earthworms multiply rapidly and gained weight. In particular, accustom them to different substrates – processed rot of the plant. It has already applied for a patent on the use of low calorie substrates. Scientists conducting experiments aimed at something to speed up the process of their processing – by adding different ingredients TASS reports.

“The starting population of worms, placed in a good substrate for the year increased by 10-15 times. So vermicultivation that can be very profitable. The degree of processing of worms depends on what kind of product we want to get. Minimal processing is sufficient if the products are intended for feeding livestock. Further processing is required if the protein will be used as part of the human diet, “- said Babenko .

Scientists TSU believe that in Tomsk can be all year to breed worms to such an extent as to produce one protein flour. Then it plans to deliver to the enterprise, including overseas, where from it will produce food, cosmetics and medicines.

In China, Vietnam and Japan are a variety of factories producing drugs based on protein worms. Demand for these products is greater than the supply. Therefore, the Tomsk scientists have a chance to take a place on the world market, believe in high school.

“Today it is important in connection with import substitution, the rise of agriculture. Practice shows that if you add to the diet of animals the protein, the increased growth of young animals, milk yield of cattle. So breeding earthworms, if competently undertake it can have a positive effect on this industry as a meat and dairy farming, “- shared Babenko.

The agency AgroFakt

28/07/2015 Tags: science, worms, meal, opening

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