Friday, July 24, 2015

“Big Brother” of the Earth found – BFM.Ru

Kepler-452b – 83% phozhaya Earth exoplanet, from the knowledge that we have separated 14 centuries

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Planet Earth (left) and Kepler-452b. Photo: NASA / Reuters

We will be where to relocate. Mankind has found Earth 2.0. And there longer than a year.

American orbital telescope Kepler found Earth-like planets around stars similar to the Sun, according to a statement on the website US space agency (NASA). See also: A New Earth: Is there life on Kepler-186f

Scientists note that the planet rotates around its star in the so-called habitable zone, ie where the temperature and other conditions suggest the existence of living organisms.

The planet, called Kepler-452b. It is located at a distance of 1400 light years from Earth in the constellation Cygnus. To get there, you need to fly 14 centuries, with the speed of light. Such ships are not yet invented.

The New Earth 60% more of our planet. Its mass and composition is unknown. It is expected that a new world can be like our atmosphere and water. Year on this planet lasts 385 days, and its orbit is 5% longer than Earth’s.

Open the planet is 5% more from its star Kepler-452 than the Earth is from the sun. The star around which a new planet, according to the calculations of scientists over the Sun 1.5 billion years. Experts have estimated her age 6 billion years. It has the same temperature as the sun, but 20% of its brighter and 10% larger in diameter.

Total scientists found more than a thousand similar planets. For each of them has been defined a “similarity index Earth.” According to the University of Puerto Rico, at the Kepler-452b it is 83%!

According to NASA, the discovery of a new exoplanet, “we are one step closer to finding” Earth 2.0. ” However, the Russian astronomer Dmitry Kononov is doubt in the possibility of existence of life there.

Dmitry Kononov


The space telescope Kepler, launched by NASA in March 2009, so far opened more than three thousand candidates for extrasolar planets – so called distant a planet outside the solar system.


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