Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Sequestration space program will not prevent the development of the Moon – Moskovsky Komsomolets

The representative of the Russian Federal Space Agency explained on what we will fly to his companion

Today, at 18:26, Views: 1464

As the increase in twice the orbital satellite constellation, finish and launch into orbit a new manned spacecraft, to fly around the Moon, but at the same time and save more? The challenge that faces Roscosmos during the economic crisis, at first glance impossible. But the project of the Federal Space Program for 2016-2025 years is ready, on Wednesday presented its reporters the head of Roscosmos, Igor Komarov and the Head of the Scientific and Technical Council of the Russian Space Agency Yuri Koptev.

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Of course, to get through the eye of a needle budget (2000000000000 4000000000. Instead of the originally requested $ 2 trillion 849 billion rubles) from the high cost of the projects had to be abandoned. Under sequestration got extra heavy rocket, some research projects.

Somewhere month ago Yuri Koptev said that Roscosmos refused and the creation of the Russian high-latitude, independent of the US Space Station. However, Vladimir Putin, on a straight line with the Russians said about the need to build such a plant. And the position of the Russian Space Agency suddenly changed.

– We extend the work of the ISS until 2024, and we plan to be able to create a Russian space base using modules created, – said Igor Komarov.

In other words, our New add-on modules to separate from the US segment and will be the basis for a new station, for example, RKVS (Russian space station high-altitude). It will fly for a different, more favorable to the Russian orbit, which will be visible to all our territory. It is also possible, according to Komarov, that participate in its further development partners want from the BRICS countries. These plans, however, are still far away: 2017 – Launch of the multifunctional laboratory module, 2018 – Hub module, 2019 – Scientific-energy module.

Now – about the satellite constellation for which the mountain is worth the space industry leadership. According to the draft of the PCF, the Russian group until 2025 will grow to 181 satellite. Communications satellites will be more a factor of 2, remote sensing of the Earth – 2.3, the number of scientific devices will triple.

There was a time when it seemed that for the sake of satellites Roskosmos “will cut” lunar exploration program. That did not happen. Moreover, we are preparing for landing on it even earlier than expected. “By 2029 contains a commitment to the Russian landing astronauts on the moon”, – said Igor Komarov, apparently inspired by a recent reception Putin. Would only survive even before that in 2029 the first year! And then how to implement such a plan without extra heavy missiles? This correspondent “MK” Koptev explained in detail.

– Americans flew to the moon on odnopuskovoy scheme, our project rocket H-1 offers another Korolev also offered odnopuskovoy option. Now, not being able to build a superheavy missiles “Energy”, which displays the reference orbit of 100 tons or more, we will use dvuhpuskovoy option via the carrier rocket “Angara A-5B” – says the Copts. – One of the stages of its oxygen-kerosene instead will run on oxygen-hydrogen mixture. Instead of 24 tons, which now displays “Angara-A5″, “Angara -A5V” can bring to Low Earth orbit 35-37 tons. First on it will be launched on the upper stage, and then, in the next medium – landing the lunar module, then – the upper stage, manned spacecraft c three astronauts.

– In the end, it turns out not start dvuhpuskovoy and chetyrehpuskovoy?

– It turns out that the so – called dvuhpuskovym it because the basic blocks in it would be two, but we still decided to divide them to a booster to handle the load. This entire complex will be a lunar orbit and docked with the new pulse launched to the Moon.

The plans, of course, sounds great. Only now is haunted by the sad story with the construction of the cosmodrome “East”: there are also all very well planned out, the money allocated, and it all ended hunger strikes of workers and criminal cases due to non-payment of wages and theft. Would not that a big bag of money on the space program for 14 years, will climb all and sundry?


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