the representative of the WhatsApp messenger commented on the allegations of the vulnerabilities of the system encrypt messages, which hackers and government agencies could easily obtain access to private correspondence. “This information is wrong,” said RBC representative of the messenger.
January 13, The Guardian reported a serious vulnerability in the algorithm that found an employee of the University of California at Berkeley, working in cryptography and security, Tobias Bolter. The expert claimed that the hackers can decrypt the encryption key WhatsApp without your knowledge, if he hasn’t got the message such a long time did not go to the app or changed my phone number. Thus attackers will get access to the correspondence of the user.
According to Bolter, the same at the expense of vulnerability can be done, and he WhatsApp by request of special services. “If government organizations will require WhatsApp to provide access to private messages, then he will do it, replacing the encryption keys,” — said the expert.
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Later, the founder of the messenger Telegram Pavel Durov wryly noted on his Twitter page that informed “experts deceived the public on the subject of how well protected WhatsApp”. He suggested that the experts that promote the safety of the messenger, worked for the U.S. government.
In October 2016 international human rights organization Amnesty International recognized WhatsApp the most secure instant messenger in the world on par with Facebook Messenger. Service Pavel Durov Telegram was in second position with iMessage and FaceTime. Experts, Amnesty International noted that Telegram is not applied end-to-end encryption (the key to the correspondence is generated on a target device, such as a user’s smartphone), which, by default, use other services.
But a spokesman for WhatsApp stated to RBC that the messenger does not give government agencies access to conversations no loopholes and will strongly resist requests that could be loopholes for access to the correspondence. “Feature described in the article Guardian prevents the loss of messages by the users, insists the representative of the service. WhatsApp always warns of a possible threat to the safety of the user. There is published a document which specifies all safety measures. The company has always openly declared about all the queries of governmental organizations, posting them to Facebook report”.
WhatsApp more than 1 billion users, has said the founder of Facebook (which owns WhatsApp) mark Zuckerberg in February 2016 (the latest data). Russian messenger was used by 9.8 million people monthly, according to the MediaScope in October of this year. The service was introduced in April last year the system end-to-end encryption: user data protected by a key that only the sender and recipient of the message.
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