the leader of the faction “Green Russia” party “Yabloko” Alexey Yablokov has died on 84-m to year of life. The announcement posted on Tuesday, January 10, on the official website of the political Association.
the Death occurred in the evening of 10 January in the Central clinical hospital in Moscow, the cause was a severe and prolonged illness. The place and time of farewell and funeral will be announced later.
Condolences to the family, friends and colleagues Yablokov was expressed by the Chairman of the party Slabunov Emilia and head of the Federal political Committee of the party Grigory Yavlinsky. “The largest Russian scientist-biologist, politician, statesman and public figure Alexey Vladimirovich was infinitely devoted to the cause of protecting nature and ecology of Russia,” noted Yavlinsky.
Doctor of biological Sciences, Professor, corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences and the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) Alexei Yablokov was born on 3 Oct 1933. In 1956, he graduated from biologo-soil faculty of Moscow state University named after M. V. Lomonosov at the Department of Zoology and comparative anatomy of vertebrates, studied biology of marine mammals, population and evolutionary biology, ecology.
From 1988 to 1991, he was first the founder and later Chairman of the “Greenpeace USSR”, from 1992 to 1993, he headed the Council on environmental policy under the President of the Russian Federation. In 2005 he became Chairman of the party “Union of greens of Russia” (“Green Russia”), and after its merger with Yabloko — a member of the political Committee and leader of the environmental faction.
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