Saturday, January 21, 2017

The land proposed to illuminate at night from space, using mirrors is True.Ru

Scientists figured out how to increase the duration of daylight. Employees of Rocket-space Corporation “Energy” was proposed to illuminate the Ground reflected the Sun light with the help of a “mirror” system, located in orbit of the planet.

it is Expected that artificial lighting will operate at night. For it will be used by the spacecraft reflectors, equipped with reflectors. And the “mirror” will cause a special metal coating, TASS reports.

As previously reported the Truth.Ru, study “oxygen catastrophe” in the distant past of the Earth have shown that life on our planet took some time to completely disappear and re-emerge.

As stated in an article published in the journal PNAS, Earth’s history there was a period when there was as much oxygen as it is today, and life was completely different or even absent. This means that the detection of oxygen on distant planets does not necessarily indicate the presence of life.

By the way, scientists continue to look for evidence of life on other planets. Pay special attention to Mars. For example, recently the Curiosity Rover found on the surface of the planet’s unusual deposits of clay, covered with cracks, like those that remain on the clay soil after heavy rains.

“Even from a distance we see these pentagons, and other structures that we have never seen on Mars. All this is very similar to how mud cracks on the road, when it dries,” said Nathan Stein of the California Institute of technology in Pasadena.

To do this, the Rover found on the Martian surface boron — essential for the life of the element, which is a key part of many protein molecules and vital for the synthesis of DNA and RNA.

“If the forest, which we found inside the Martian deposits of gypsum, similar to those of the compounds of this substance, which is in the Earth, then we can say that the water which formed these deposits were neutral in their chemical properties and relatively warm, from zero to 60 degrees Celsius. In other words, they were suitable for the origin of life,” said Patrick Gasda (Patrick Gasda) of the National laboratory in Los Alamos (USA).

Boron is one of two minerals that are critical for the Assembly of DNA molecules, stabilize them and copy. His discovery of the head of the mission of the Rover was named like winning the jackpot for the scientific team.

Read latest news Pravda.Ru today.

Found a double of planet Earth


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